zondag 10 maart 2013

Zionist Terror Supported By Europe 3

Terwijl Israel doorgaat met het uitbreiden van de illegale nederzettingen op Palestijns gebied wordt de ‘Joodse staat’ voor het schenden van het internationaal recht beloond met een de facto lidmaatschap van de NAVO, en wordt in 2013 bekend dat:

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen received Israel’s president Shimon Peres at NATO headquarters in Brussels on March 7.
The order of the day: to enhance military cooperation between Israel and the Atlantic Alliance focusing on issues of counter-terrorism.

‘Israel will be happy to share the knowledge it has gained and its technological abilities with NATO. Israel has experience in contending with complex situations, and we must strengthen the cooperation so we can fight global terror together and assist NATO with the complex threats it faces including in Afghanistan. ‘

Israel is already involved in covert operations and non-conventional warfare in liaison with the US and NATO.

Deze levensgevaarlijke politiek is tot stand gekomen zonder enige democratische besluitvorming in de aangesloten landen en zonder enige publieke discussie. Op deze wijze is het Westen verplicht direct met geweld te reageren wanneer de Israelische schendingen van het internationaal recht beantwoord wordt door contra-terreur, want

NATO's Strategic Concept recognises the risks to the Alliance posed by terrorism. Article 5 is at the basis of a fundamental principle of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. It provides that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked. This is the principle of collective defence. 


En hoewel de westerse volksvertegenwoordigers dit weten blijven ze zwijgen. Waarom? Omdat 'might is right.' De NAVO steunt het Israelisch terrorisme.

Israeli forces dropped 900,000 cluster bomblets in southern Lebanon this in the last three days of the conflict in Lebanon, a new report from Landmine Action said yesterday.

The weapons have left a trail of unexploded munitions that is killing between three and four civilians each day and impeding farming and relief work.

In just one month, the UN identified more than 500 areas hit by cluster bombs, the report said. 

1 opmerking:

  1. Een grote walging en verontwaardiging maakt zich van mij meester.
