dinsdag 16 oktober 2012

Kadir van Lohuizen

Why do people migrate? Where to and for what reasons? What is the fate of the different indigenous populations in the Americas? In Via PanAm, Kadir van Lohuizen investigates the roots of migration in the Americas, a phenomenon which is as old as humanity but is increasingly portrayed as a new threat to the Western world.
Via PanAm follows Van Lohuizen’s footsteps from the very south of Chile to the very north of Alaska. Travelling 28,000 km along the Pan-American Highway and crossing through 15 countries, Van Lohuizen visualizes the stories of the communities, regions and societies he encounters. His work reflects a diverse range of migration experiences both historic and contemporary. The photo stories reflect the complexity of migration – the diverse motivations for coming and going, the struggles and successes, the economic, political, social and environmental contexts, as well as the intimate moments and personal stories - some touching upon current issues, some on topics long forgotten but not resolved.
Via PanAm engages the audience through a variety of platforms, using both traditional and new media. The stories made on the road are edited into weekly radio broadcasts, biweekly newspaper columns and regular magazine publications.
The Via PanAm website and iApp not only provide contextual background info, but also directly connect readers and viewers with the journey’s progress. Day by day, the Americas and their people reveal themselves to the photographer and his followers as photo-stories, video and audio are uploaded on a regular basis.
Via PanAm is a project by Kadir van Lohuizen, NOOR Images and Paradox, in collaboration with VPRO radio and NRC Handelsblad.
Fonds BKVB | Stichting Sem Presser Archief | Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten | Fonds BJP | Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

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