dinsdag 14 december 2010


Keep the Heat on Corporate Media
Support FAIR Today!

December 15, 2010

Being a media watchdog group means more than writing about the corporate press. You've got to do something about media bias. And in 2010, the media heard loud and clear from FAIR's activists. 

Help us deliver the same kind of activism in 2011. 

Some highlights from the past year:
--When NPR turned to far-right activist David Horowitz to symbolically spit on Howard Zinn's grave, more than 1,500 of you responded to FAIR's call to contact NPR; the NPR ombud agreed with FAIR and confronted the producers.

--When the New York Times used WikiLeaks cables to hype unsubstantiated Iranian weapons threat, FAIR debunked the Paper of Record. Salon.com, Columbia Journalism Review and the Washington Post picked up FAIR's criticism, and the New York Timeswalked back its story four days later.

--After a FAIR Action Alert taking on the Charlie Rose show's one-sided coverage of the Erskine-Bowles deficit plan, Rose invited two critics of the plan to present a progressive economic view on PBS.

--When FAIR pointed out how the New York Times had been hyping right-wing smears against ACORN, the Times acknowledged its errors.

--And FAIR pushed back against PBS's decision to replace Now and the Bill Moyers Journal with the bland Need to Know; with Action Alerts, a major set of studies and reports and a petition to PBS, we have relentlessly fought the creeping centrism and commercialism on public television.

FAIR's work is unique and vital at a time when progressive voices are being pushed aside. But we can't do it without you. 

We need you to help us reach our goal of $25,000. More than 200 of you have given, and we're almost halfway there. Please support FAIR with a tax-deductible contribution today and help us continue to push back against corporate media.

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