donderdag 1 juli 2010

Jewish Peace Activists 6

Security forces suspected of abusing 4 Palestinians in recent months
B'Tselem has documented three cases in recent months in which Palestinians suspected of being in Israel without a permit report severe abuse by the Israeli security forces. After B'Tselem submitted a complaint, the Military Police Investigation Unit and the Department for Investigation of Police opened investigations into the incidents.

Jerusalem Municipality to demolish 22 houses in Silwan
On 21 June 2010, the Jerusalem municipal planning committee approved the demolition of 22 houses in the Bustan neighborhood of Silwan, in order to build an archeological garden.

Cabinet Decision on Gaza Siege: Baby Step in Right Direction
The Israeli Security Cabinet's decision to relax some of the stringent restrictions on imports is to be welcome. However, it is only a small step toward the resumption of normal trade and traffic that Gaza so desperately needs.

Four years since the abduction of Gilad Shalit
On the fourth anniversary of the abduction of Gilad Shalit, B'Tselem again emphasizes that Hamas must release him immediately. Pending his release, those holding Shalit must treat him humanely and allow representatives of the International Red Cross to visit him. The taking of hostages is a war crime, and all those involved bear personal criminal liability.

Soldier to be charged with killing two Gazan women
Riyeh Abu Hajaj (64) and her daughter, Majda Abu Hajaj (37), were killed in Operation Cast Lead after leaving their home on army orders, waving white flags. Following the event, first reported by B'Tselem, the media now report that the soldier who fired is to be summoned to a hearing, prior to an indictment.

B'Tselem's Annual Report 2009-2010
B'Tselem published its annual report on human rights in the Occupied Territories, covering the 16-month period from January 2009 to April 2010. The report surveys the events since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead. One and a half years after the operation, the allegations regarding breaches of international humanitarian law by Israel and Hamas have yet to be properly investigated.

Palestinians kill an Israeli police officer and injure two
B'Tselem strongly condemns the shooting attack that killed an Israeli police officer and wounded two others. Deliberate attacks against civilians are immoral and illegal. Willful killing of civilians is defined as a "grave breach" of international humanitarian law and is a war crime.

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