woensdag 2 juni 2010

Trans National Institute

Editor's Picks

Note: This newsletter has been resent with corrections to some of the links. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Gaza aid convoy killings: "Those responsible must be held criminally accountable"
Richard Falk, UN expert
UN urges criminal probe into the Israeli attack on a flotilla attempting to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza after soldiers killed at least 9 peace activists.

See also: Phyllis Bennis on the Gaza Flotilla Tragedy, IPS statement

THIS WEEK EXCLUSIVE: Live webcast presentation by Susan George on her new book, Their Crises, Our Solutions (9:30am CEST, Fri 4 June 2010). Join the presentation live at www.tni.org and submit questions by following us on twitter.

EVENT: Susan will be speaking in Amsterdam, Thursday 3 June from 8.00pm together with TNI fellows Praful Bidwai and Edgardo Lander: Their Crises, Our Solutions: Is Green Economy the Answer?

"The banks are ours!" - Susan George at the EA4 summit in Madrid
We paid to save the banks, and now they are loaning money back to the public at profit: it is time for the people to demand justice and democracy in the economy. Read more.

See also:
Susan George on the significance of Enlazandos Alternativas.

See also: Workshop with Susan on the Lisbon Treaty.


The Battle for Thailand
Walden Bello
Behind the repression and violence on the streets of Bangkok lies another story: of a country following the dictates of the IMF and market ideology, where increased inequalities and unemployment have created resentment that will continue to fuel conflict in Thailand. En español

Elena Kagan and US torture
Tom Reifer
Obama's recent Supreme Court nominee may not have judicial experience, but she has used the States Secrets Privilege to defend kidnap and torture. What does her possible appointment mean for US war crimes and human rights?

Calderon's Visit to Washington
Manuel Perez Rocha
Obama and Calderón are in synch over drug conflict and Arizona's anti-immigration laws; but the disastrous impacts of NAFTA for Mexican workers remain off the agenda.

Stresses and strains in the balance of world power
Mariano Aguirre
The recent Iranian agreement on enriched uranium with Brazil and Turkey, and the counter-threat of sanctions by the United States is a watershed in the configuration of a new multipolar world.

Global perspectives

The impact of militia actions on public security policies in Rio de Janeiro
Paulo Jorge Ribeiro and Rosane Olivera
An examination of the rise of private vigilante groups in Rio de Janeiro reveals a trend in urban security (re-)arrangements that spreads far beyond Brazil.

In Afghan negotiations, who's at the table?
Phyllis Bennis
Real negotiations mean that everyone who has a legitimate stake in the outcome for Afghanistan must be included.

Obama: President of Can't
Tariq Ali
Has US foreign policy really changed since the departure of Bush and the arrival of Obama?

Sanctions that don't work vs. diplomacy that does
Phyllis Bennis
A "coalition of the unwilling" led by Turkey and Brazil may block US pressure for sanctions against Iran in the UN Security Council.

When corporations capture the state: corporate lobbying and democracy
Praful Bidwai
Washington-style corporate lobbying has taken over politics in New Delhi that poses a new threat to democracy in India.

Dangerous nuclear delusion
Praful Bidwai
Despite a global decline in nuclear power with increasing costs of technology, construction over-runs and unresolved safety/storage issues, the Indian government pushes ahead with AREVA "nuclear park" that will displace local people.

En español

Selección del editor

Veredicto del Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos
El Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos condena a la Unión Europea por su complicidad en los delitos sociales y ecológicos de las transnacionales.

Sus crisis, nuestras soluciones
El nuevo libro de Susan George echa una mirada al régimen de la globalización neoliberal en el que vivimos.

Europa en el espejo argentino
Atilio Boron
Las medidas de ajuste que se están tomando en Europa para 'calmar' a los mercados son sólo el preludio de una larga crisis estructural.

Obama: Presidente de la hipocresía
Tariq Ali
¿Ha cambiado en algo la política exterior estadounidense desde la salida de Bush y la llegada de Obama?

Perspectivas Globales

Argentina 200 años después de la revolución
Julia Gambina
Dos siglos después de la independencia argentina, cabe preguntarse si América Latina podrá encarar un proyecto emancipador basado en la soberanía alimentaria, energética y financiera.

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