woensdag 2 juni 2010

Israel als Schurkenstaat 237

A threat of historical importance from Israel

Posted: 01 Jun 2010 12:27 PM PDT

pic for giuliettoBy Giulietto Chiesa from Megachip Translated by Diego Traversa

The blood of the peace activists of the Freedom Flotilla sends us a tragic message whose entire historical importance we must understand. That adjective can’t be regarded as rhetorical.

On May 31st 2010, Israel has revealed itself, before the entire world, as the main threat for the world’s peace and security.

Guided by a group of not so much criminal as sheer irresponsible people, this country proves to be willing to go to any excess, to undertake any foolish act, in the name of a religious and aggressive fundamentalism in contempt of any law and of the idea of law itself.

Now we can (indeed, we must) imagine what is being brooded over in the centres of power of such a state and what they are prepared to do: that is, to precipitate the entire world in a catastrophe on the presumption that their religious truth ( “the promised land” ) must be imposed on everybody, whatever the cost may be.

The answer from the so-called international community has been meaningful: this time nearly no one could be silent.

Yet, we must denounce its weakness and incompleteness. Israel is playing for time hoping that the world’s indignation will be forgotten or softened.

All those who cherish the survival of humanity can’t underestimate how menacing an Israeli attack against Iran would be to Europe and the entire world.

The bigots and the irresponsible ones torturing the Gazans and the entire Palestinian people are prepared for anything.

Those who don’t realize this today—and do nothing, or little, to stop them—will bear the responsibility for what is brewing for tomorrow.


1 opmerking:

  1. Nog even citeren wat Norman Finkelstein zei in de video, als reactie op de aanval op het hulpkonvooi:

    "To me, the more important question is this, namely, during Israel’s massacre in Gaza in December of 2008 and January of 2009, afterwards, Israel officials were saying that they wanted to show the Arab world that they were capable of acting like a ‘lunatic state’ and like ‘mad dogs’, that they wanted to restore the Arab world’s fear of Israel, and that’s why they acted like a ‘lunatic state’ and ‘mad dogs’.  But after yesterday’s events, we really have to ask the question: is Israel acting like a lunatic state or has it become a lunatic state?  And that’s not just rhetoric. ... Things are getting out of control.  We have to ask ourselves a simple, basic, fundamental question: can a ‘lunatic state’ like Israel be trusted with between 200 and 300 hundred nuclear devices when it is now threatening its neighbors, Iran and Lebanon, with an attack?  These are serious issues."
