zaterdag 10 april 2010

Yoram Stein 4

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Toon op originele grootteDe vraag is of er niet meer aan de hand is met Yoram Stein dan alleen maar een zogenaamde 'wiet verslaving'. Een lezer stuurde me deze emails:

Onderwerp: emails Yoram Stein aan Norman Finkelstein

Datum: 10 april 2010 0:23:19 GMT+02:00


From: Yoram Stein

Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 8:22 AM

To: normangf[at]

You are a greater enemy to the jewish people then Hitler !

Its petty only the part of of the brains that controlls mouth and writing is funcktioning- the part of gathering information and proccesing is at low level.

Go look for a real job whereyou should swet for the buk.

you are the hero of all people that hate Israel! The country were i was born also to Holocoust survivers they country i love.

You dont have a counry you belong no where not even in your own body-a real devil.

Yoram Stein


From: "Yoram Stein"

To: "Norman Finkelstein"

Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003

In reaction to you MP3 lecture

You forget to tell your listners that:

Salah Adin concord Israel round 600, At that time there were no Mouslims in Palestine at all .

Arabs arrived from the Saudian Desert so there were no Arabs there at all.

Zionism did not came to solve Jewish assimilation!

End of 19 century Palestine was almost empty! at most 500,000 inhabitants!

About a some Morris you said his fact are correct -interpretation wrong.

by you fact selection is 1 basic fact lie and upon that a theory and conclutions-

whith them you feed your listners.

In fact you only tell Palestinian propoganda.

No real research by youself at location.

No wonder they call you at the states Kike! Shadow of an Human !

You are enemy not of israel but of the Jewish nation!

Yoram Stein


From: "Yoram Stein"

To: "Norman Finkelstein"

Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003

Regarding your speech at Toronto University

If I was between the audience you would hear from me after third sentence of yours the remark:

In year 600 there were no Muslims in Israel ! Give us lecture how they arrived there? What was their way to gain control on the land?

Second remark would have been:

What happened in Tel Chai (north of galil) tell us about the story there! (Trumpeldor and his friends).

Third: you bring a fact (wonder what are your resources-often wrong statistics-wrong citations of people) and you build the most crazy conclusions upon.

How did (do) you collect your Historical knowledge (you where citating Ben Gurion with words and thoughts -did you read his mind-Do you have contact with the dead?)

Now some of mine impression of you:

If you have tasted the breath of freedom of being grown in your own county, instead of being grown under the smell of Gefilte fish,

in a Jewish ghetto somewhere in Anti-Semitic Racist USA without the traumatic parents that have tasted 2nd world war

you would not have spreading the poison you are busy with now.

Did you serve ever your country in any way?Other then spreading thought and Philosophy based on whatever?

Why were you afraid to lecture in front of the Hezbollah in Lebanon?

Do you know what the word "Koran" means? Do you know the history of Islam?Do you speak Hebrew (has nothing to do with Israel)?

Next e-mail i'll be more specific and will correct your wrong facts.

In the mean time ill ask you to wright an speak on the base of fact you 100 % shure they are truth.and save your intreptetastion of fact to the listners

People can judge bij themself -give them only facts and choose fact carefully!




From: ajaxole[at]

Subject: Solution to the Mid east conflict

Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 15:11:17 -0700 (PDT)

So what's your solution to the Mid. East- Do you want all Auschwitz survivors (like mom and dad, but with a bit of more balls. They have dared the difficut choice) and their children in Israel to the the county to the Palestinians and join you in cockroached Chicago? Chicago Polaks would not like the idea I guess.

How much the Arab( university clubs) are paying to hear a Jew spits on other Jews and Jewish organisation? Was it 5000 $ ? I think that if they are no antisemits, they become after they hear your lectures, in the begining they lough (vancouver)but i wonder whats in their mind while lieaving the hall

About you, about Bnei brit, About Darshowits that comes 4 bloks from you (the diff can not be that great - some people belive that place has influence on mans psycho )

Have a nice day

Yoram Stein



From: info[at]

To: normangf[at]

Subject: Dear Mr.Professor-now karikature tomorrow in yours and your parents backyard

Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 01:59:11 +0200

You were too coward to go visit Hezbolla in South Lebanon have have chosen to stay in Beiruth, so whats your Bla Bla about the Hezbolla-Your a Galut Jew with big mouth and small balls.

De idiots(the ones that does not know the facts) of Amsterdam in Cafe de Ballie can buy your stupid stories but not someone that knows the facts for real. Come on if you need money look for a decent job, do not spit on your own people.You remind me a prostitue.


Yoram Stein

From: info[at]

To: normangf[at]

Subject: why not

Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 02:20:46 +0200

If a Galut Jew (proffesor and graduate of mamous US university) can change events led to the birth the state of Israel and make a buisiness out of it, why can not some scum Arab make from Jesus a Palestinian?


5 opmerkingen:

  1. Adembenemd hoe zo iemand zich te kijk kan zetten. Petje af voor de research van de correspondent.

  2. Bijzonder filosofisch. Lesmateriaal voor de scholieren. Als ik hem was zou ik maar gauw weer aan de wiet gaan. Dit gaat niet goed komen. Wat ik begreep is dat hij al afgezakt was naar het conservatief christelijke. Is de laatste fase in de aftakeling, zie maar gelijksoortige luitjes. En verrek, jezus was een Palestijn. Het verhaal gaat dat hij ook niet al te aardig behandeld is door het volk van Yoram. Volgens mij haalt hij het een en ander door elkaar. Kan je nagaan waar die scholieren mee opgezadeld worden.

    If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on.


  3. Opsteker voor Yoram Stein:

    The Obama administration is now denying U.S. visas to Israeli scientists who work at that nation’s Dimona nuclear reactor. This startling reversal of traditional policy was reported April 7, 2010, in the Israeli website/newspaper NRG/Maariv.

  4. Meer over Yoram de Poram... en zijn zielige Rechts propagandistische CDA hielenlikkers boekje: 'STOPPEN met Roken'

    Peter Lunk

  5. Ik vroeg me al af wie Yoram Stein was.
    En waarom hij werd uigenodigd in P&W.
    Ook zo een vullis progamma wat het volk in de zeik neemt,en mee gaat in de hoax om de islam de grond in te trappen,en palastijnen nooit te benoemen wat voor onrecht er word aangedaan in palastina door israel.
    het zijn allemaal propagandisten die de waarheid verkrachten,en er een calimero verhaaltje aan vastplakken.

    Hulde aan Norman Finkelstein,die tenminste zijn mond durft open te trekken,als het gaat om palastina.
