woensdag 14 april 2010

Jewish Voice for Peace

Dear stan,

Join JVP, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, and Bibi Netanyahu's sister-in-law, Ofra Ben Artzi, as well as Israeli peace groups like the Shministim, Gush Shalom, and the Coalition of Women for Peace and help make history at the University of California at Berkeley by sending a letter of support for divestment now.

On March 18, UC Berkeley's student senate voted 16 to 4 to divest from General Electric and United Technologies because of their role in harming civilians as part of Israel's illegal occupation and the attack on Gaza.

A week later, the Senate president vetoed the bill despite a massive outpouring of support for divestment.

But the final decision will be made tomorrow, Wednesday April 14 at 7pm PST, when the veto can be overturned with just 14 votes.

The bill's opponents have been waging a fierce campaign of misinformation, including a closed door meeting with the Israeli Consulate General where student senators were actually told that massive Jewish criticism of Israeli human rights violations is a cultural pathology. The senators have also been flooded with letters and we've now heard that Alan Dershowitz may be on campus.

That's why we're asking you to email the UC Berkeley senators to let them know why you support divestment and why they should overturn the veto.

PLEASE click here to write your letter now, in your own words. The whole world is watching.

It truly is time for all hands on deck!

Cecilie Surasky and Sydney Levy
Jewish Voice for Peace

PS: For JVP's position on the bill, please see here.

PPS: Download this 2-page fact sheet on Jewish and Israeli support for UC Berkeley's divestment bill.

PPS We'll be twittering the historic vote live. Follow us at Twitter.com/jvplive

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