zaterdag 18 juli 2009

Walter Cronkite


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Walter Cronkite Dies

by: Greg Kandra | Visit article original @ CBS News

Walter Cronkite confirms the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in a television broadcast from CBS studios in New York, November 22, 1963. Cronkite died today, he was 92. (Photo: CBS)

"Most trusted man in America" passes away in New York at 92.

Walter Cronkite, who personified television journalism for more than a generation as anchor and managing editor of the "CBS Evening News," has died Friday night in New York. He was 92.

Known for his steady and straightforward delivery, his trim moustache, and his iconic sign-off line - "That's the way it is" - Cronkite dominated the television news industry during one of the most volatile periods of American history.

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"Most trusted man in America" Juist ja. 'The sign of a good con man is that he appears to be trustworthy and honest to his mark (constituency). As Walter Cronkite put it, when asked what makes for a good news anchor, "the ability to lie convincingly".'

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