maandag 6 juli 2009

De Israelische Terreur 881

Israel calls on Jewish fanatics to “save” Galilee from its own Arab citizens
Mayors want to stop “Arab takeover”

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth

6 July 2009

Israel’s housing minister has called for strict segregation between the country’s Jewish and Arab populations last week as he unveiled plans to move large numbers of fundamentalist religious Jews to Israel’s north to prevent what he described as an “Arab takeover” of the region.

Ariel Atias said he considered it a “national mission” to bring ultra-Orthodox Jews – or Haredim, distinctive for their formal black and white clothing – into Arab areas, and announced that he would also create the north’s first exclusively Haredi town.

The new settlement drive, according to Mr Atias, is intended to revive previous failed efforts by the state to “Judaise”, or create a Jewish majority in, the country’s heavily Arab north.

Analysts say the announcement is a disturbing indication that the Haredim, who have traditionally been hostile to Zionism because of their strict reading of the Bible, are rapidly being recruited to the Judaisation project in both Israel and the occupied territories.

Mr Atias, of the ultra-Orthodox party Shas, is drawing on a model already successfully developed over the past decade in the West Bank, where the Haredim, the group with the highest birth rate in Israel, have been encouraged to move into separate settlements that have rapidly eaten into large chunks of Palestinian territory.

Several mayors of northern cities in Israel have appealed to Mr Atias to help them “save” the Jewishness of their communities in a similar manner by recruiting Haredim to swell the numbers of Jews in the north.

Mr Atias revealed his new drive on Thursday as he spoke at an Israeli Bar Association conference in Tel Aviv to discuss land reform plans. He told the delegates: “We can all be bleeding hearts, but I think it is unsuitable [for Jews and Arabs] to live together.”

His priority, he said, was to prevent the “spread” of Arab citizens, who comprise one-fifth of the country’s population and are mostly restricted to their own overcrowded communities in two northern regions, the Galilee and Wadi Ara.

Referring to the Galilee, where Arab citizens are a small majority of the population, he said: “If we go on like we have until now, we will lose the Galilee. Populations that should not mix are spreading there.”

Mr Atias also revealed that mayors of several northern cities where Arab citizens had started to move into Jewish neighbourhoods had asked him how they could “salvage” their cities.

One, Shimon Lankry, the mayor of Acre, where there were intercommunal clashes last year, met with the minister only last week. “He told me: ‘Bring a bunch of Haredim and we’ll save the city’,” Mr Atias said.

“He told me that Arabs are living in Jewish buildings and running them [Jews] out.”

The Haredim have a birth rate – estimated at eight children per woman – that is twice that of the Muslim population and are increasingly seen as a useful demographic weapon to stop the erosion of Israel’s Jewish majority.

Mr Atias’s comments brought swift condemnation from Israel’s Arab lawmakers. Mohammad Barakeh, the head of the Communist Party, told the popular Israeli website Ynet: “Racism is spreading throughout the government and minister Atias is the latest to express it.”

The key initiative proposed by Mr Atias is the development of a large Haredi town of 20,000 homes based on an existing small community at Harish in the Wadi Ara, a region close to the West Bank.

Harish was established in the early 1990s by the housing minister of the time, Ariel Sharon, as part of a huge settlement drive inside both Israel and the occupied territories.

Harish and a dozen communities known as “star points” were built on the Green Line – the pre-1967 border between Israel and the West Bank – as a way to erode its political significance.

Most of the communities, however, were located in densely populated Arab areas and failed to attract Israelis.

Until recently the settler population had spurned settling in Israel and has been drawn instead either to Palestinian areas close to Jerusalem or to frontier communities deep in the West Bank.

Cesar Yehudkin of Bimkom, a group of Israeli town planners critical of government planning policy, said the goal of Harish was to occupy a large swathe of land in Wadi Ara to prevent the “natural growth” of Arab localities. “Harish is an attractive option for rapid development because the infrastructure for a large town is already in place,” he said.

Mr Atias told Israel’s Bar Association that Harish was a vital way to stop “illegal Arab expansion” and that the Haredim “are the only ones willing to live there”.

The Israeli media revealed two weeks ago similar plans by Shimon Gapso, the mayor of Upper Nazareth, a Jewish town established 50 years ago in the Galilee region to restrict the growth of the neighbouring Arab city of Nazareth.
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2 opmerkingen:

  1. Op zichzelf, hoe treurig ook het racisme wat hieruit weer eens blijkt, is de vraag wel interessant hoever de "charedim" bereid zijn zich te laten gebruiken als demografisch instrument voor het zionisme. De "charedim" hebben historisch gezien weinig waardering voor het zionisme als nationale koloniale beweging (dat is wat anders dan het wonen in "Erets Yisrael" of daarheen pelgrimeren natuurlijk). Als de Messias nog een aantal decennia langer op zich zal laten wachten en het bloedvergieten blijft doorgaan, dan hoop je toch dat er een 'profeet' zal opstaan onder de Shas'ers c.s., die zal verkondigen dat dit toch niet lekker werkt zo.
    "Upper Nazaret" ook bekend als "Natsrat Illit" ziet er vanuit Nazaret zelf uit als een soort sinistere burcht, waarvan je je afvraagt hoe je er komt. Dit soort burchten komen er nu dus meer, en dan met vromen erin. Ik moet het nog zien. Waarschijnlijk gaan ze een club frummen een huis en een zak geld geven. Maar je plant niet zomaar een gemeenschap ergens. Er moeten scholen, sjoels, jeshives, enz. enz. zijn, anders blijven ze daar niet hangen, en als het budget op is gaan ze weg omdat het dan te ongezellig wordt.
    Dit zijn immers niet dezelfde figuren als de stacaravan-fundamentalisten die het leuk vinden om met vuilnis te gooien naar de Palestijnen in Hebron.
    Al met al is de Staat I. een parodie van zichzelf geworden, je zou er haast om lachen ware het niet triest.

  2. Op de site van de gemeente Natsrat Illit ziet gij reeds hoe opperrabbijn Shlomo Amar de plannen voor de nieuwe wijk Har Yona al ongeveer aan het inzegenen is. Het is duidelijk dat de (seculiere, ook veel Russen) gemeente Natsrat Illit naar de vromen lonkt, ze zeggen dat het er goed toeven is. :p Men meldt daar ook dat er in Haifa een nieuwe wijk wordt gepland, ook niet helemaal toevallig aangezien in Haifa veel Palestijnen wonen.
    Maar ironisch genoeg kunnen de echt vromen - ik heb het niet over de "settler" crazies - het vaak beter vinden met de Palestijnen dan je zou denken. Voor zover het beiden geen zionisten zijn delen ze in ieder geval dat. :)
