maandag 15 juni 2009

De Israelische Terreur 881

Update on Lymor Goldstein the Israeli Lawyer and Activist Shot in Bil’in on the 11th of August
Posted on: September 2, 2006 | ShareThis | Print

We all heard about the heartbreaking event of Lymor Goldstein’s near fatal injury in Bil’in on August 11th. We saw photos, we shed tears, and we vowed never again.

Lymor was shot with two rubber bullets to the head and one in the neck, causing a fractured skull and internal haemorrhage. One bullet lodged itself on the opposite side of the entrance wound, damaging brain tissue. Lymor underwent a successful operation on August 12th to remove the bullet that entered his brain as well as shards of bone and dead brain tissue; they also stopped the internal bleeding. He awoke from his medically induced coma complaining about loss of short term memory, and blurred vision. Doctors warned that the next four days would be critical in assessing whether he would contract an infection in his brain.

Lymor moved to Israel two and half years ago from Germany. He dedicated his life as a lawyer to the non-violent resistance in villages across the West Bank. He represented Matan Cohen who was shot in the eye in Beit Seera by Israeli Occupation Forces as he peacefully and non-violently protested against the brutality of the IOF and its illegal construction of the Apartheid Wall. Lymor attended the Bil’in demonstration on August 11th with 300 other activists peacefully protesting against the unlawful construction of the Apartheid Wall. The IOF fired arbitrarily at the unarmed activists who were practicing their non-violent principles. Lymor was shot with a “less lethal” weapon at the illegal range of 5 meters – Israeli army regulations require a minimum range of 50 meters. The Israeli Occupation soldier shot him with a cylindrical device that is attached to an M16, this cylindrical can fire dozens of rubber or plastic bullets at a time, at the legal 50 meter range deemed appropriate to disperse before reaching the target. In this case, the soldier ran to Lymor’s side as he was walking back to the village and shot at the 5 meter range, the result did not allow the bullets to separate therefore he was shot with 3 of those plastic bullets. Plastic bullets are also a high velocity weapon compared to rubber bullets. They consist of a hard metal center and are capable of penetrating the skin whereas rubber bullets usually do not.

Lymor was sent back to intensive care on August 16th for suffering what doctors feared would happen – he developed an infection. He underwent a surgery once again to address the serious and possibly fatal repercussions of his infection – thankfully it was successful.

For the last two weeks Lymor has been in rehab to overcome the complications of his injuries. He has unsystematic short term memory loss, fatigue, and blurred vision in one eye. Doctors have said that his eyesight might return to normal but it will take a while. On September 1st, Lymor was admitted back into the hospital suffering from a fever. Due to the critical condition of Lymor any slight change in his comfort and health is addressed in a serious manner.

Lymor, a lawyer, and activists that witnessed the brutal assault by the Israeli Occupation Forces has filed a complaint against the Army. He has been contacted and visited by the Army to collect a statement. The Israeli Army has in return filed a case against Lymor for “Rioting”. His case is currently frozen due the objection Limor has at the Army’s repeated requests for statements. Army personnel are constantly harassing Lymor for statements although he has fulfilled that request.

Comrade Ashraf Abu Rahma honored for his courageous popular organizing in Bil'in and Nil'in

The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces honored comrade Ashraf Abu Rahma on August 8, 2008, praising his steadfastness in confronting the occupation's crimes, its settlements and its racist wall.

Comrade Abu Rahma is widely known for his organizing in Bil'in and Nil'in against the racist annexation wall and settlements, and organizing mass popular demonstrations in confrontation of the occupation. He was seen being attacked by Israeli occupation soldiers who blindfolded him and restrained him, and then shot him directly in the leg with a rubber bullet. This incident - representative of the numerous ongoing crimes of the occupation against our people - was videotaped by a family in Bil'in and publicly distributed, exposing the occupation's crimes to the international audience of the public.

The video demonstrated the type of crimes committed by the occupier against the Palestinian people on a daily basis, with the full support of the United States and its president George Bush, and the silence of the international community, who refuse to act and hold the occupation state accountable for its crimes.

Comrade Abu Rahma was honored for his leadership, steadfastness and courage in the struggle for our national rights. In his speech, he thanked the National and Islamic Forces, and stressed upon the need to continue the struggle against the occupier, and continue to march along the path of the heroes and martyrs who have come before, such as comrade Abu Ali Mustafa, Abu Ammar and Ahmad Yassin. He also called on the Palestinian leadership to heed the suffering of people due to the settlement, siege and aggression, and demanded that representatives of the Palestinian people, members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and political leaders should play their role and lead popular demonstrations and marches against the crimes of the occupation.

After Life in Fragments

Second meeting with Lymor Goldstein & Ashraf Abu Rahme about activism and solidarity.

To all the people who could not come yesterday and especially for the ones who could not enter De Balie anymore.

Please come

tonight, starting at 18.30, at Pretoriusstraat 43 in Amsterdam, followed by a benefit meal.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Die jongen was net op EenVandaag, een item over het festival. Maar, natuurlijk, hoe kan het ook anders, de filmpjes moesten wel weer even in twijfel worden getrokken, want dit bleek een Palestijnse kogel te zijn geweest. Zoals op alle rechtse, pro-Israelische en andere rabiate media te lezen is. Volgens een "senior Israeli official"... u begrijpt het wel.

  2. Joden zijn advocaten en het motto is: Alles valt te verdedigen of er een "spin" aan te geven. Maar steeds meer en meer mensen weten dat deze mensen onbetrouwbaar en ongeloofwaardig zijn.

    Eindelijk weer een goed bericht, waar Verhagen, Voordewind en consorten toch wat minder goed van zullen slapen. De upgrade van de economische relaties is even uitgesteld.

    Weer een yes momentje en een sprankje hoop voor de mensheid.

  3. En als meer dan duizend Palestijnen worden vermoord, dan is dat niet buitenproportioneel, omdat het 'ter verdediging' is.

  4. Maakt niet uit Sonja, komt allemaal op hetzelfde neer!


  5. Carter laat ook weer van zich horen:
    'Palestijnen behandeld als beesten'
