woensdag 22 april 2009

Het Zionistisch Racisme 5

Encyclopaedia of Race and Racism under Zionist Attack
By Haitham Sabbah • Nov 17th, 2008 at 9:19 •

Earlier this year, Macmillan Reference USA - a leading publishing house - published a "The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism".
The Encyclopaedia is the first such work examining the anthropological, sociological, historical, economic, and scientific theories of race and racism in the modern era. The set delves into the historic origins of ideas of race and racism and explores their social and scientific consequences. Some of the nearly 400 articles address broad theoretical topics that have helped to shape modern ideas about race and racism; others address more specific subjects in the larger fields. Zionism is one of those racist ideas explored in this book. It was written by Dr. Noel Ignatiev*.
In October 2008, the American Jewish Committee objected to the encyclopedia article on Zionism that Dr. Ignatiev wrote for "The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism". In an effort to hide the truth behind Zionism, Zionist lobbies are now putting huge pressure on the publishing house to remove the article in which Dr. Ignatiev described Israel as a racial state, where rights are assigned on the basis of ascribed descent or the approval of the superior race and likened it to Nazi Germany and the Southern United States before the civil rights movement.


First, have a look at this entry on "Zionism" in the Macmillan "Encyclopedia of Race and Racism" (PDF File):


Now, you can guess where this is heading. You can see why the Zionists are going apoplectic - the article doesn't just make the case for the Palestinian right of return but also quotes Lenni Brenner on Zionist collaboration with the Nazis. And much more.

Please sign the petition at:

And you can also send individual e-mail messages to the publishers via:

They can be reached at:

Phone: 1-800-877-4253
Fax: 1-877-363-4253 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST or visit:


* Noel Ignatiev is an American history professor at the Massachusetts College of Art best known for his call to "abolish" the white race. Ignatiev is the co-founder and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor and the New Abolitionist Society. He also has written a book on antebellum northern racism against Irish immigrants, How the Irish Became White.

Tagged as: Attack, Encyclopaedia, Race, Racism, Zionism, Zionist
Haitham Sabbah is an uprooted Palestinian blogger. He is the webmaster and editor of Palestine Blogs, also webmaster and co-editor of Palestine Think Tank. His personal blog is Sabbah's Blog: http://sabbah.biz/
Email this author | All posts by Haitham Sabbah
Zionist censorship « An Najah Conversation Class on November 17th, 2008 at 13:46:
[...] Here is an interesting example of how Zionists censor information, in this case history. You can click on the link below to download the document they don't want English speakers/readers to see. Earlier this year, Macmillan Reference USA - a leading publishing house - published a “The Encyclo… [...]

Encyclopaedia of Race and Racism under Zionist Attack « EUROPE TURKMEN FRIENDSHIPS on November 18th, 2008 at 8:47:
[...] In October 2008, the American Jewish Committee objected to the encyclopedia article on Zionism that Dr. Ignatiev wrote for “The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism“. In an effort to hide the truth behind Zionism, Zionist lobbies are now putting huge pressure on the publishing house to remove the article in which Dr. Ignatiev described Israel as a racial state, where rights are assigned on the basis of ascribed descent or the approval of the superior race and likened it to Nazi Germany and the Southern United States before the civil rights movement. Source [...]

Lees verder: http://palestinethinktank.com/2008/11/17/encyclopaedia-of-race-and-racism-under-zionist-attack/

1 opmerking:

  1. Hoe meer je erover leest, hoe verrotter die hele staat Israel wordt. Het is echt een gezwel met overal uitzaaiingen.

