vrijdag 29 februari 2008

De Israelische Terreur 330

'29 February 2008

Israel's deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai has
threatened Palestinians in Gaza with a "holocaust." The
BBC which reports this fact says that the word
"'holocaust' is a term rarely used in Israel outside discussions of the Nazi genocide during World War II."
Here is the country, supposedly the built from legacy of
the Nazi holocaust now openly threatening genocide against another people.
What will the response of the world be? What will the
response be of all those hypocrites that preach human
rights and international law but praise Israel as the
finest, most upstanding, most faultless nation on earth,
or who know of its crimes but are afraid to act against it?
What will the EU, NATO, the United States, the Arab
League do? What will Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International do? What will the Save Darfur campaign do? What will those who express daily outrage about the statements of Ahmedinejad do? What will Ban Ki Moon and Javier Solana do?
What will "stalwart" supporters of Israel, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain say?
Israel is by its own admission all that it claims to abhor.
Ali Abunimah

Zie ook: Herman2

Zo gaat het in het "democratische" israel... NO INVESTIGATION...=no military police inquiry and no one will be held accountable, the statement said.= Israel: 2006 deadly shelling, accidental Wed, 27 Feb 2008 06:54:40 No legal action will be taken about 2006 (en NU PAS een reaktie Sic! H.) Israeli shelling of two houses which killed 21 sleeping Palestinian civilians, the military says. The shelling in Gaza was "not intentional and was directly due to a rare and severe failure in the artillery fire control system," the military said Tuesday, releasing the findings of an internal inquiry. Therefore, there will be no military police inquiry and no one will be held accountable, the statement said. The shelling which occurred in northern Gaza in November 2006 provoked the wrath of international groups and human rights organizations. The shells crashed into houses in the town of Beit Hanoun, killing mostly women and children. The Israeli military claimed it was aimed at Hamas resistance fighters firing rockets from northern Gaza. JS/DT


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