zondag 18 november 2007

The Empire 306

'Complicity & Contempt

The United States has become a criminal enterprise led by a 'government' in league with criminality at the highest levels of this land. Since the 'election' of the current congress, almost a year ago-investigations have been reinitiated, supposedly to get to the bottom of the larger aspects of what appears to be apparent criminality throughout the government. To date those investigations have not yielded the necessary documentation required to bring charges against any of the key players-except that by these failures in both the congress and the courts, what has become clear is that they too are 'complicit' and are co-equal partners in the crimes of the administration.

What has become of all the inquiries regarding the illegalities of Dick Cheney, from his office inside the Matrix of this War upon the US and the world? Cheney has created an entirely secret shadow government: he is directing a completely asymmetric war policy that has broken with all sanity, and in which he continues to move ahead with his War-on-Iran, regardless of the global consequences-yet the congress refuses to charge him with contempt of congress. And Cheney is not alone ­ Rumsfeld, Rice, and Bush have all acted well beyond the law, blatantly defying the Constitution, the Geneva Conventions and the will of the majority of the people, as they and congress, have each failed to prosecute those behind this failed series of wars throughout the Middle-East.

The theft and disappearance of Trillions of dollars remains unexplained, while the policies of the nation at home remain unfunded. There is nothing secure about 'living' in this USA that is no longer secure or even viable in the wider world-while we continue our freefall into bankruptcy and disrepute around the world. That election in November of 06 was supposed to mark a turning point-and all we got was more war not less, more troops sent in, instead of the withdrawal that was being sought by the majority of those who voted: and if anything far more new money was committed to continuing the wars, rather than the cut-off of funds that voters thought that were demanding; now more than a year ago.

To be labeled "criminal," simply means to operate outside the established laws. This congress and the courts have now conjoined with the executive ­ in blatantly defying the Constitution of the nation-in their pursuit of something that was never envisioned by the founding documents of the nation. The Constitution founded a co- equal three branch government not a government with only one ruler: Not a "Decider" free from any checks or balances that could limit his actions or restrain his absolute rule.

Words no longer seem to have any meaning, because "real or legal consequences" have become part of what the administration refers to as 'quaint relics of our distant past.' Yet this is only a small part of how we have become a criminal enterprise.'

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