dinsdag 27 november 2007

De Israelische Terreur 276

'The Israeli government has made numerous demands of the Palestinians in these recent days, leading up to the Annapolis Conference.The Palestinians make demands as well... they go unheeded, unnoticed and unpublicised. The Palestinians are a non entity as far as Israel is concerned. Their elected government is not recognised, their land is occupied, they are a people without a land, without a voice thanks to zionism.
On this Blog I try to give a voice to those that have no other place to share their opinions. I feel it is my duty as an Israeli that genuinely wants to see a just and lasting peace become a reality in this region. I have shared many of those voices with my readers here as well as my personal opinions on matters concerning the struggles for peace and Palestinian Statehood.
The following essay was sent to a select group of people by the author, it is with his permission that I present it here. It is absolutely brilliant and says everything that needs to be said....
Zionism must be Dissolved for Peace
By Khalid Amayreh (Al-Khalil, occupied Palestine)
As a Palestinian who has been living under the yoke of Israeli military occupation for over 39 years and who lost three innocent uncles to the occupation’s bullets, I should have no problems comparing Israel with Nazi Germany. It is true that Israel has not introduced gas chambers into Palestinian towns and villages. However, Israel has been killing and tormenting Palestinians non-stop in a variety of ways which, in their brutality and sheer evil, don’t really differ in substance from Nazi behaviour. Moreover, it is paramount to remember that the German holocaust didn’t start with Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen, but rather with an idea, with a book and with a Kristalnacht, the sort of things that are so rampant in Israel’s collective thinking these days as the Israeli Jewish society continues to drift toward religious and jingoistic fascism. This is not liberal Zionism giving way to religious Zionism as some pro-Israeli apologists would argue. There is no such a thing as liberal Zionism or democratic Zionism. These are contradictions in terms. Zionism, we are told, is about “building a national homeland for the Jews.” However, for millions of its victims, Zionism is about the extirpation, expulsion and dispersion of the bulk of the Palestinian people from their ancestral homeland to the four corners of the world by way of organised terror and violence. This is the ugly side of Zionism that much of the West doesn’t want to see. Indeed, from the very inception, Zionism viewed Palestine as a land without a people for a people without a land. This arrogant denial of my people’s very existence didn’t originate in ignorance of reality.'
Linkt u ook even hier naar toe, het is een journalistiek die we in Nederland niet meer kennen: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=16506897

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