dinsdag 23 januari 2007

Iran 88

'Planned Attack on Iran: Bush Will Expand War Before Blair Resigns.
US timetable driven by retirement of Bush’s major ally, PM Tony Blair

by Michael Carmichael

Global Research,
The Planetary Movement and Global Research

The Editor-in-Chief of the Arab Times reports that a “reliable source” in Washington has provided detailed information about the forthcoming US hard-power attack on Iran’s nuclear and oil industries.
According to the un-named sources cited in the Arab Times, the US timetable is being driven by the retirement of George Bush’s major ally, Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The British Prime Minister sacrificed his own popularity to back Bush’s wars in the Middle East. Politically weakened by his loyalty to Bush, Blair is publicly committed to step down from his office at Number Ten Downing Street from this May.
Applying the political calculus, sources informed the Arab Times that the month of April will be the most likely for the attack in order to allow Tony Blair to play a leading role in the western rationale for the escalation of the deeply unpopular war.
Analysts working for the Bush-Cheney White House predict that a concerted military attack against Iranian targets will weaken the regime and lead to the toppling of the government of Syria, as well.
According to statements attributed to Vice President Dick Cheney in the Arab Times, the nation of Saudi Arabia is threatened territorially by the Iranian regime. Many Shias live inside Saudi Arabia with their heaviest population clusters in the oil producing regions. Last month, Cheney went to Riyadh for an extraordinary face-to-face meeting with King Abdullah. It is now obvious that the US plans to broaden the war by the “surge” and the forthcoming attack on Iran would have been a major topic of these private discussions.'

Lees verder: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=CAR20070116&articleId=4494

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