zaterdag 27 januari 2007

Ilan Pappé

Gistermiddag gaf de Israelische historicus Ilan Pappé aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam een lezing over het onderwerp The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, tevens de titel van zijn laatste boek. Pappé, geboren in 1954, is hoogleraar politicologie aan de Universiteit van Haifa en behoort tot de zogeheten groep van 'nieuwe historici' die de geschiedenis van 'de joodse staat' herschrijven. Ilan Pappé pleit voor een boycot van Israel 'als enige middel om het land te dwingen de bezetting van Palestijns land te beeindigen.'
Ik heb Pappé's ongeveer anderhalf uur durende lezing en beantwoording van vragen opgenomen. U kunt er hier naar luisteren onder de rubriek Lectures:>
Meer over zijn boek kunt u hier lezen. Amazon. Com:
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29 of 31 people found the following review helpful:
Morality or prejudice - which is the best basis for peace? , 18 Nov 2006
Deborah> (Galashiels, Scotland) - See>
I was incredibly moved by this book, even though as I read it I was very aware that there are sections of Israeli society, and the wider Jewish community, which will simply dismiss it out of hand as propagandist and anti-Zionist fiction. First, I have to say that I am Jewish, so I came to this book with a concern about potential conflicting loyalties that most of us, inside and outside Israel, bring to this emotive issue. Ilan Pappe, however, in effect asks everyone to balance love and/or respect for Israel (whether it is one's "homeland" or not) with an objective appraisal of the behaviour of the government (past and present) of that country. As parents are advised, one should criticise the behaviour - what has been carried out in the name of Israel - but love the child. I was brought up on stories of Israel's valiant fight against impossible odds, of a David-like victory against the combined might of the Arab aggressors, and a celebration of everything Israel has achieved in the last century. However, I want to see peace in Israel - for everyone. So I have made it my business to familiarize myself with some of the basic arguments on both sides, but I had not come across the sheer wealth of detail that Pappe brings out in support of his main theme - that the Palestinians were forcibly, deliberately expelled from their homes and villages, in a project conceived and initiated long before the end of the Mandate. And regardless of whether they fled in fear or were driven out, they were not allowed back. No one can dispute this. One of the most chilling arguments in the book, however, is that ethnic cleansing is still on the table as far as the government of Israel is concerned. It is facing a demographic "problem" - there are still too many Arabs inside Israel - and apparently it has its eyes on East Jerusalem and parts of the West Bank with a view to reducing the Arab population. It is hard to see how the two positions can be reconciled, but Pappe makes a very good argument for justice and reparations for the Palestinians, and as the only just and practical basis for a lasting peace, it is a convincing one. I highly recommend people on both sides of the argument read this book. Was this review helpful to you? (Report>

29 of 31 people found the following review helpful:
Groundbreaking book - should be compulsory reading for everyone interested in human rights, 27 Oct 2006
Robin> (London, UK) - See>
Ilan Pappe does an incredible job recreating the gradual Zionist take-over of Palestine in the lead up to 1948 and beyond. The outline of the story is well known, and few would argue with the main facts of what happened and when, or the end result: the establishment of the State of Israel and the migration of almost a million Palestinians. Pappe's achievement here is to piece together the driving ideology, the game plans, and strategies that successfully achieved it. Many will automatically accuse Pappe of having an agenda (as virtually every writer seems to have on this issue). However, he puts forward a persuasive argument that plans had been afoot to expropriate Palestine long before the War of Independence, and goes on to detail the discussions in which the plans were laid down, and give a blow by blow, village by village account of their execution. In the process, he marshalls an impressive array of facts to lay before the reader, from Ben-Gurion's personal diary entries that reveal a truly chilling cold-bloodedness vis-à-vis the indigenous Palestinians, extracts from the personal memoirs and diaries of a number of key players, and military archives including telegrams and orders to commando and army units. Even if you distrust the detail, there is no arguing with the facts on the ground - almost a million Palestinians were refugees by the end of 1949, and over 400 villages had been destroyed. As Pappe notes in his introduction, if this had happened a mere 50 years later, it would have been called ethnic cleansing, and that is what he calls it. Regardless of why you think the Palestinians fled (deliberately forced from their homes or an inevitable by-product of war), the fact remains that they have not been allowed to return to their homes and lands, despite UN Resolution 194 defending their right to do so, and despite the fact that Israel's entry into the UN was conditional on their compliance with this resolution, to which they agreed. Pappe writes with great humanity about the Palestinian plight and their inhumane treatment in the decades since, but argues passionately that Israelis have also lost in this fight for land and nationhood. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It should be compulsory reading for every believer in human rights, and after reading it, everyone should book an appointment with their MP and ask what - exactly - they are doing about the Palestinian refugee question. It's the least we can do. Was this review helpful to you? (Report>
Meer over Ilan Pappé zelf:>
Tussen drie en vijf uur vanmiddag is Ilan Pappé aanwezig in de ABC Treehouse Gallery, Voetboogsteeg 11 in Amsterdam, om zijn boek te signeren. Morgen geeft hij opnieuw een lezing in Desmet Studio, Plantage Middenlaan 4a in Amsterdam. Het begint om twee uur.
De Voetboogsteeg ligt vlakbij het Spui en Desmet Studio vlakbij Artis. Meer informatie via en

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