maandag 1 mei 2006

Iran 46

De Amerikaanse journalist Mike Whitney schrijft: 'There’s no doubt that if the war in Iraq had been the “cakewalk” the neocons expected, Marines would be unfurling “Old Glory” in downtown Teheran right now. Bush has never wavered in his plan to topple the Islamic regime or to put Iran’s vast petroleum reserves under American control. In fact, the administration’s own policy papers, including the National Security Strategy (NSS) as well as the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) assert that the United States has the right to claim these resources if it is in our national interests. Everyone knows Bush’s grand-plan for the Middle East, so why are the IAEA and Security Council pretending that the administration is genuinely interested in Iran’s fictitious nuclear weapons program? Haven’t they seen this charade before? It’s impossible that the main players don’t understand Bush’s real intentions or know that the nuclear issue is simply a pretext for war. Bush has telegraphed his belligerence at every opportunity even going so far as to announce to the Iranian people that his hostility is not directed at them, but at their government. Bush’s appeal to the Iranian people is absurd. He’s asking them to abandon any sense of national loyalty so that he can violently replace the regime with an American client. It’s crazy. Are the Iranians so simple-minded that they don’t know that the Shah’s son is still living in New York and has met regularly with leading figures in the Bush administration? Imagine a similar situation where Iran provided $75 million (as congress has) to build political organizations within the US with the stated goal of toppling the government; such meddling is tantamount to an act of war and yet the American people shrug it off as “business as usual”. No one in the Middle East is blind to America’s machinations. The landscape is loaded with clients, toadies, and venal monarchs all acting on Washington’s behalf. If Bush was serious about fighting terrorism he’d focus his attention on Riyadh not Tehran. And, if the IAEA was serious about nuclear proliferation, they’d be challenging the Bush administration’s upcoming tests of “Divine Strake”; the Pentagon’s attempt to create a new regime of low-yield, bunker-busting nuclear weapons. According to Defense Dept documents, Divine Strake is intended to “develop a planning tool to improve the warfighters confidence in selecting the smallest proper nuclear yield necessary to destroy underground facilities while minimizing collateral damage.” That’s right; the Washington warlords are planning to use nuclear weapons in an offensive attack. So, why is ElBaradei dithering with Iran while this much graver threat is materializing in front of the whole world? Why is the Security Council wasting time with imaginary weapons programs when the REAL danger is plain to see? Lees verder:

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