maandag 24 april 2006

De Amerikaanse Vredesbeweging

Een voorbeeld van de talloze initiatieven van de Amerikaanse Vredesbeweging: 'Join Peacemakers around the World in Building a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence! ON NOVEMBER 10, 1998, the United Nations Responded to an appeal from every living Nobel Peace Prize Laureate by proclaiming the year 2000 to be "the Year for the Culture of Peace" and the years 2001-2010 to be the "International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World." We live in a culture of violence. From the tragedy at Columbine High School in Colorado to the US bombing of Yugoslavia and Iraq to the fact that one out of every five US children lives in poverty while we spend billions upgrading our nuclear arsenal - violence surrounds us. It is time to stop the violence and start building a culture of nonviolence. A culture of nonviolence values love, compassion, and justice. It rejects violence as a means of solving problems. Instead, it embraces communication, cooperative decision-making, and nonviolent conflict resolution. It ensures freedom, security, and equitable relationships. It promotes inner peace, personal transformation, and disarmament. FOR plans to kick off the Decade for a Culture of peace and Nonviolence in the Summer of 2000 in Washington, DC. Please see the page on The People's Campaign for Nonviolence for details. The text of the UN Declaration and additional information about the declaration can be found here. More information on the Web about the Nobel Laureate Appeal and the Decade of Nonviolence can be found at NobelWeb.' Zie: Of:

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