zondag 19 maart 2006

Irak 49

Le Monde bericht: 'Ali Dabbagh: "The Iranians Have Infiltrated Everywhere." Sometime advisor to Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani - the spiritual leader of 14 million Iraqi Shiites - as well as a Shiite member of the [Iraqi] Parliament's foreign affairs committee, one of the authors of the new Iraqi Constitution, and an academic specialized in the study of religious parties, Ali Dabbagh, who lives in the fortified "Green Zone" in the heart of Baghdad, is very pessimistic about Iraq's future. "We have tried everything the last three years," he declares to Le Monde, "and we are busy massacring one another a little more every day. There is a very serious risk of civil war. The gap between Shiites and Sunnis keeps on growing. Consensus between the three communities that constitute the country is unattainable. The Constitution, which under American pressure was put together too quickly, is full of contradictions and will remain unacceptable for most members of the Sunni minority. Many of them still believe they belong to the majority in this country. The attack against the Golden Mosque in Samara on February 22 will remain our September 11, even worse than if someone had killed Ayatollah Sistani himself." "We can't moderate the Shiite majority any more. We won't get there," he continues. "The American intervention freed us from Saddam Hussein, but it opened the hell beneath our feet. The way the first Iraqi "governments" were put together by the Americans, with quotas by religion and ethnicity, formalized divisions. The two elections and the referendum organized within a year aggravated the situation further each time. You can't make people live together if they don't want to anymore. There is no central government. Every group is pulling in its own direction. If we wish to avoid the worst, we must find another solution fast."' Lees verder in het Frans: http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,1-0@2-3218,36-751332,0.html Of in het Engels:

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