maandag 23 januari 2006

Al Qaida

Het onafhankelijke Amerikaanse Media Channel publiceert de volledige tekst van de laatste bin Laden tape. Een fragment daaruit: 'If you (Americans) are sincere in your desire for peace and security, we have answered you. And if Bush decides to carry on with his lies and oppression, then it would be useful for you to read the book "Rogue State," which states in its introduction: "If I were president, I would stop the attacks on the United States: First I would give an apology to all the widows and orphans and those who were tortured. Then I would announce that American interference in the nations of the world has ended once and for all." Finally, I say that war will go either in our favor or yours. If it is the former, it means your loss and your shame forever, and it is headed in this course. If it is the latter, read history! We are people who do not stand for injustice and we will seek revenge all our lives. The nights and days will not pass without us taking vengeance like on Sept. 11, God permitting. Your minds will be troubled and your lives embittered. As for us, we have nothing to lose. A swimmer in the ocean does not fear the rain. You have occupied our lands, offended our honor and dignity and let out our blood and stolen our money and destroyed our houses and played with our security and we will give you the same treatment.' Lees verder: De rekening is opgemaakt na een eeuw Westers kolonialisme in het Midden Oosten. Of we dat nu leuk vinden of niet, we zullen er serieus rekening mee moeten houden en een serieuze dialoog moeten beginnen met onze tegenstanders.

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