woensdag 14 december 2005

Israel's Extremisme 5

Extremisme creëert extremisme, en de ene extremist schept de andere. Nu Israel op een gewelddadige confrontatie uit is met Iran probeert de Iraanse president zoveel mogelijk steun te verwerven in met name de Derde Wereld. Het nieuws agentschap Bloomberg bericht: 'Iran's Leader Ahmadinejad Dismisses Nazi Holocaust as `Myth.' Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad questioned the reality of the Nazi Holocaust, calling it a ``myth'' fabricated by the West, and told Europe, the U.S. or Canada they should shelter a Jewish state on their soil. The West has ``fabricated a myth under the name 'Massacre of the Jews,' and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the prophets themselves,'' Iran's leader told thousands of supporters in the south-eastern Sistan-Baluchestan province, state television showed in a live broadcast. ``If you say and insist it's true that you killed 6 million Jews in crematoria during World War II, then why should the Palestinians pay for that?'' Ahmadinejad asked. ``Our proposal is that you give a piece of your land in Europe, the U.S., Canada or Alaska. If you do that, the Iranian people will no longer protest against you.''
This is the strongest anti-Israeli public comment by Ahmadinejad since he took office in August. The Iranian president drew international condemnation on Oct. 26 after saying that Israel should be ``wiped off the map.'' On Dec. 8, he prompted another outcry when he said Europe should host Israel on its soil. Some 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis until Germany's defeat in the 1939-1945 war.' http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000087&sid=aSx4wMhMQ4ks&refer=top_world_news

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