vrijdag 16 december 2005

Geheime Cellen 9

Na 30 jaar voor de L.A. Times te hebben gewerkt werd Robert Scheer onlangs door de uitgever ontslagen vanwege zijn kritiek op de Bush-gang. Sindskort is zijn column te lezen in Truthdig, een onafhankelijk Amerikaans Web Tijdschrift dat als leidraad heeft A. J. Liebling's adagium: 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.' Dit keer schrijft Scheer over: 'The Wonderful World of Outsourced Torture. That must be why the CIA failed in its interrogation of an alleged high-ranking Al Qaeda official back in January 2002 to prove the connection between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Hey, no biggie, they just turned the captive, a Libyan named Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, over to Egypt’s inquisitors, who miraculously transformed him into a virtual spokesman for the Bush administration’s case for invading Iraq. Virtual, because he was shipped back to disappear in the Guantanamo Gulag, but his false witness was trumpeted by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell, Vice President Dick Cheney and the president, who stated on the eve of the congressional vote that authorized the Iraq invasion: “We’ve learned that Iraq has trained Al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and gases.” What Bush did not say was that eight months earlier, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the top coordinating agency in such matters, concluded that al-Libi’s testimony was totally bogus.'

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