dinsdag 6 december 2005

Criminele Organisatie

De tijd is niet veraf dat de huidige Amerikaanse regering algemeen zal worden gezien als een criminele organisatie. Gisteren meldde de Washington Post: 'Environmentalists are unhappy with the job the lead U.S. climate negotiator, Harlan Watson, has been doing in the ongoing Montreal talks on how to combat global warming. Watson has spent the past week in Montreal touting the administration's record on climate change. He said there is no reason the United States and other countries that oppose mandatory carbon dioxide limits should have to talk about what should be done once the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to cut global greenhouse gases by 7 percent by 2012, expires. Watson's position and the environmentalists' reaction should hardly be surprising -- considering his apparent popularity with the oil industry. A Feb. 6, 2001, fax sent to the White House by oil giant Exxon Mobil proposed involving Watson more closely in international climate negotiations.' Zo koopt de oliemafia een Amerikaanse regering.

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