donderdag 17 november 2005


Dat president Bush dankzij de grote concerns in het Witte Huis belandde, was algemeen bekend. Nieuw is dat nu ook de Amerikaanse massamedia in handen van de grote concerns over de nauwe banden tussen de regering Bush en de oliemaatschappijen berichten. Gisteren schreven Dana Milbank and Justin Blum in de Washington Post: 'A White House document shows that executives from big oil companies met with Vice President Cheney's energy task force in 2001 -- something long suspected by environmentalists but denied as recently as last week by industry officials testifying before Congress. The document, obtained this week by The Washington Post, shows that officials from Exxon Mobil Corp., Conoco (before its merger with Phillips), Shell Oil Co. and BP America Inc. met in the White House complex with the Cheney aides who were developing a national energy policy, parts of which became law and parts of which are still being debated.' De rest kunnen u op twee verschillende sites lezen: en

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