woensdag 23 november 2005

Bush en al-Jazeera 4

In de uitzending vandaag van Democracy Now sprak de befaamde onderzoeksjournalist John Pilger over de geplande terreur van de Bush-regering tegen onafhankelijk opererende media. Hij zei ondermeer: 'the Americans clearly targeted Al Jazeera in Kabul and in Baghdad, killing one Al Jazeera journalist. They had been threatening Al Jazeera. It's part of U.S. policy to target the media…The numbers of journalists who have been killed by American troops is higher than any time in the modern period. The media is terribly important to this whole disaster, and getting Al Jazeera, which has done an extraordinary job of bringing to millions of people, who otherwise would not have been informed about their own part of the world, bringing to them facts and information is very threatening to the United States and to Bush…It's part of a pattern of the unfolding disaster that is the United States domination and imposition of its policies on the world. I don't – none of these are isolated incidents. Targeting journalists makes all sorts of sense, because it's journalists – that is, honest journalists and especially the journalists like those on Al Jazeera, who might be saying the sort of things the administration doesn't want to hear – these are a threat, and it's something that all honest people throughout the world and especially in the United States have to face…It's too dangerous now. This dangerous farce called the “war on terror” has got to such an extreme now that the freedom of speech that we do have left, the freedom of expression that we hang onto, we have to use.' De rest van de uitzending kunt u beluisteren of lezen onder deze link: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/11/23/152224

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