zaterdag 15 september 2012

Zionist Terror 19

NOGMAALS: STOP DE ACAA OVEREENKOMST EU-ISRAELDinsdag 18 september stemt de commissie voor internationale handel van het Europees Parlement (INTA genaamd) over deze ACAA-overeenkomst.

Zionist Terror 18

'No ‘Red Line’ for Israel

By Gilad Atzmon

September 15, 2012 "
Information Clearing House" - -  Israeli news outlets reported today that President Obama rejected an appeal by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to set a specific “red line” to stop any further Iranian uranium enrichment.

According to reports, in an hour-long conversation on Tuesday, Obama deflected Netanyahu’s proposal to make the size of Iran’s stockpile of close-to-bomb-grade uranium the threshold, the crossing of which would trigger a US military strike on the Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities.

But it seems that, this time at least, President Obama has decided against launching a world war on behalf of the Jewish State and its powerful lobby.

“We need some ability for the President to have decision-making room,” said an American official. “We have a red line, which is a nuclear weapon. We’re committed to that red line.” The meaning of this is simple: America just doesn’t buy the Israeli intelligence reports regarding Iranian intentions.

Israel is not happy. Apparently, the Israelis want to see Iran wiped out - and soon and its officials have already confirmed that such an American guarantee falls far short of the Jewish state’s security needs.

Ynet reported today that prime minister Netanyahu told reporters this week that “the Obama administration had no ‘moral right’ to restrain Israel from taking military action on its own if it refused to put limits on Iran.” Ynet adds that “the remarks were followed by reports claiming that Obama snubbed Netanyahu's request to meet during the United Nations General Assembly session in New York this month.”

So it seems that for now, the Obama administration has come to its senses - it has said NO to Jewish pressure.

Of course, this decision is far more likely to be political than ethically or morally driven. Amid the presidential election, Obama has been quick to perceive a window of opportunity that may prove to be a game winner. Obama lets the Republican party and their presidential candidate Mitt Romney operate as Netanyahu’s Sabbath Goyim. Obama clears the stage to Romney who foolishly and voluntarily pushes for another Israeli war, he lets Romney be a Zionist mouthpiece, the one who scarifies America and American soldiers for Israel. Consequently, Obama presents himself as a reasonable, sensible and responsible leader– all in all, a ‘real American patriot’.

But, by now, one thing should be clear. Israel, as we now have long known, lacks the military capacity to destroy Iran’s nuclear project and needs America to take care of it. Netanyahu and the Jewish Lobby were convinced they could, ahead of the election, pressure Obama into such a suicidal mission. They were wrong.

But still, the take-home message is plainly written on the wall: Israel and its lobby are the gravest danger to world peace and they are not going to hold back.

We’ve long known that the arrival of Obama did not bring peace. Like those before him, he has surrounded himself with rabid Zionist warmongers. But we can only hope that the penny has now dropped - even if we also know that the penny isn’t worth all that much anymore.

Gilad Atzmon is a musician-composer. 

Arab Spring? 2

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Interactive Map: Who’s Protesting Where

What started in Libya has spread to more than a dozen countries in the Middle East and Asia.  As the riots—inflamed by an anti-Muslim film uploaded to YouTube—grow in scope, The Daily Beast plots the biggest hot spots on this interactive. Plus,click here for a timeline of the events that fueled the fire. By Michael Keller and Eliza Shapiro.
What's at stake in these countries:
Hover over countries to read about the issues in that area.

Hover over cities to read about the latest protests.
Although Algeria was not part of the sweep of uprisings across the Middle East, protest has raged in the capital city, Algiers, over the last two years, mainly over lack of housing. The State Department warned American citizens of a high threat of terrorism and kidnappings after violence broke out in Libya, Algeria’s eastern neighbor.
Less than a year after Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was deposed and killed by his own people, Libya was the catalyst for the wave of protests and violence that swept the Middle East after U.S Ambassador Christopher Stevens’s death on Sept. 11. Salafists and radical Islamic groups, some believe to have al Qaeda affiliations, operate in Libya. The transitional government is headed by President Mohamed Yousef el-Magariaf, who has been seemingly unable to quell the activities of the radical groups.
Inspired by the Tunisian uprising, protests broke out in Khartoum and Al-Ubayyid in January 2011. Demonstrations were re-ignited in June with anti-austerity protests across the country.
An oil-rich country that remains highly unstable. Corruption is widespread.
A benchmark of success for its struggling neighbors in the Middle East; Turkey has acted as a diplomatic arbiter between Western and Middle Eastern powers. During the Arab Spring, many looked to Turkey as an exemplar for a moderate, modern Muslim state.
Anti-government sentiment remains high in this theocratic society, three years after the so-called Green Revolution against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in favor of opposition candidates. Protests were re-ignited along with the Arab Spring in February 2011.
A key player in the Arab Spring. Massive protests broke out in the Yemeni capital city of Sana in January 2011, with tens of thousands of protesters eventually gathering across the nation to protest unemployment and corruption. Demonstrators also called for the resignation of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Saleh was eventually ousted but still maintains some political power. Terrorism analysts believe Yemen to be an al Qaeda foothold in the region.
The birthplace of the Arab Spring. Anti-government momentum built in January 2011, leading to the ousting of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. The revolution in Tunisia was the inspiration for last year’s protests across the Middle East.
The biggest country in the region, where Cairo’s Tahrir Square became the most recognizable symbol of 2011’s Arab Spring. After weeks of protests there, involving tens of thousands of Egyptians, President Hosni Mubarak was overthrown. The Muslim Brotherhood, a moderate Muslim party, won the nation’s first democratic elections. Current President Mohamed Morsi faces a delicate balance, having to satisfy both more conservative elements of society and American allies.
Solidarity with Palestinians was a major theme of the Arab Spring, and marches were planned to Palestine from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. There were pro-Palestinian demonstrations and protests across Israel during 2011. Demonstrations across the Middle East this week have targeted Israel as a source of anti-Islam sentiment, and Israeli flags have been burned across the region.
Lebanon is a fractured nation with numerous sects and religions vying for power, Its capital Beirut is a favorite tourist destination in the region. The nation is plagued by a highly unstable political life. During the Arab Spring, many observers were surprised that violence did not break out across the country. The ongoing Syrian uprising has also spread to the borders of Lebanon, causing dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries.
After close to a decade of war in Iraq, American forces finally withdrew December 2011. Iraq’s new post-war democracy remains fragile, plagued by corruption and violence. Throughout 2011, protests over national security and corruption issues persisted in various regions across the country.
After over a decade of war, Afghanistan remains unstable nation; the Taliban regularly mounts attacks on American and British troops still stationed there. Poverty and corruption remain rife.
Largest democracy in the world. A nation with a rapidly developing economy.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

'Maker anti-islamfilm heeft crimineel verleden

maker anti islamfilm heeft crimineel verleden
14/09 BUITENLAND De man achter de islamvijandige film 'Innocence of Muslims' die een golf van soms gewelddadige protesten in de Arabische wereld uitlokte, is volgens Amerikaanse media een duistere figuur met een criminele achtergrond. Justitieambtenaren bevestigden dat het om een in Californië levende man gaat die Nakoula Basseley Nakoula heet, meldde het tijdschrift Time op zijn internetsite.
Hij gebruikte verscheidene schuilnamen en werd onder meer wegens bankfraude in 2010 tot een gevangenisstraf van 21 maanden veroordeeld. Toen werd hem ook de toegang tot het internet verboden voor een periode van vijf jaar.

Geen spijt

Op de Arabisch-talige Amerikaanse radiozender Radio Sawa zei een man dat hij de film gemaakt had en dat hij er geen spijt van had. "Ik ben bedroefd door de dood van de ambassadeur (van de Verenigde Staten in Libië), maar ik heb geen spijt dat ik de film gedraaid heb", zei de man, die zich als Nakoula Basseley Nakoula voorstelde, een 55-jarige kopt die in Californië woont.
"Ik lig aan de basis van het filmfragment van 14 minuten dat ik online heb gezet en ik overweeg de hele film vrij te geven", zei hij aan Radio Sawa. De man voelt zich naar eigen zeggen wel schuldig over het geweld dat de film uitlokte. "Amerika ondergaat de gevolgen van een film waarmee het niets te maken heeft."
Foto AFP: het huis van de man wordt omsingeld door journalisten.'

Nakoula was born in Egypt, immigrated to the United States, and became an American citizen.[2] Nakoula currently lives in Cerritos, California[8] in the Los Angeles area.[9] The residence is linked to Abanoub Basseley, his 21 year old son who paid the actors in Innocence of Muslims.[10]
According to Associated Press, "Prior to his bank fraud conviction, Nakoula struggled with a series of financial problems," including a $106,000 lien filed against him in 1997 and a $191,000 tax lien in 2006.[11] Nakoula owned a gas station, against which the California State Board of Equalization put a lien, stating that he owed taxes, interest and penalties dating from 1989 to 1992.[12]
The Daily Beast reported that Nakoula was arrested by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in 1997 after being pulled over in possession of ephedrinehydroiodic acid, and $45,000 in cash.[12] He was charged with intent to manufacture methamphetamine.[9] He pleaded guilty and was sentenced in 1997 to one year inLos Angeles County Jail and three years probation. He declared bankruptcy in 2000.[2] According to the Los Angeles County District Attorney he violated probation in 2002, and was re-sentenced to another year in county jail.[13]
In 2010, Nakoula pleaded no contest to federal charges of bank fraud in California and was ordered to pay $794,701 in restitution. According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Leigh Williams, Nakoula opened bank accounts using stolen identities and Social Security numbers, including one belonging to a 6-year-old child,[3] and deposited checks from those accounts to withdraw at ATMs.[14] He was also sentenced to 21 months in federal prison. Nakoula had requested anArabic interpreter be used during his criminal proceedings.[2] Nakoula was released from prison in June 2011.[15] He was ordered not to use computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer.[4] Nakoula was released from a halfway house a few weeks before he filmed Innocence of Muslims.[16]'