vrijdag 3 juli 2015

Gate 48 (4)

Platform for critical Israelis in the Netherlands
Newsletter July 2015
Next week it will be one year since the last Israeli war on Gaza that claimed the lives of 2,220 Palestinians, among them 547 Palestinian children, five Israeli civilians, including a child, and 67 Israeli soldiers. Tomorrow the Dutch coalition for Palestinian children, of which gate48 is a leading member, will dedicate its last activity before the summer break to the price the children in Gaza paid during and after the ruthless attacks of the Israeli armed forces.
The Israeli daily Ha’aretz also dedicated a special production, titled: There’s no escaping Gazain which they look back at the war on Gaza in 2014 and its effects .

Saturday 4 July, 14:00 at the Kinderrechtenhuisin in Leiden

Operation Protective Edge, a War Waged on Gaza’s Children

OPEReportCover.WarWagedOnGazaChildren-webOperation Protective Edge in July 2014 claimed the lives of 2,220 Palestinians, including at least 1,492 civilians. DCIP independently verified the deaths of 547 Palestinian children, 535 of them as a direct result of Israeli attacks. Five Israeli civilians, including a child, and 67 Israeli soldiers also lost their lives. Nearly 68 percent of children killed by Israeli forces during Operation Protective Edge were 12 years old or younger (362 out of 535).       discussion with: Ivan Karakashian leads the DCIP’s advocacy and communications department Brad Parker attorney and advocacy officer for DCIP’s US Program. Moderator: Maartje Berger, legal advisor Read more

The Dutch expert report is available in English

Posted on July 2nd, 2015 by gate48
PL-REPORT-3-WEB-1In April 2014 a Dutch multidisciplinary expert group published the original (Dutch language) version of its report ‘Palestinian Children and Military Detention’. The report was presented on the 17th of April 2014 at the foreign affairs committee of the Dutch parliament. This report addresses the practices and consequences of arrest, interrogation, detention and trial of Palestinian children by the Israeli military authorities, from a multidisciplinary perspective. In the conclusions of the report, the expert group expressed its great concern about the violations of the rights of the children involved that many of these practices amount to, and about the negative impact Read more

Stichting gate48 is tegen samenwerking Amsterdam-Tel Aviv

Posted on July 1st, 2015 by gate48
AdamVandaag zal het Amsterdamse gemeentebestuur zich weer beraden over de kwestie van mogelijke samenwerking met Tel Aviv en Ramallah. In Het Parool van 18 juni j.l. roemt Ronny Naftaniel Tel Aviv als een multiculturele stad waarin verschillende bevolkingsgroepen naast elkaar in harmonie leven, een schoolvoorbeeld van economische en technologische ontwikkeling. Als Israëliërs die vaak lang in Tel Aviv hebben gewoond kunnen wij getuigen dat deze geïdealiseerde beschrijving ver van de werkelijkheid af staat. Door de hoge kosten van levensonderhoud is Tel Aviv in de eerste plaats een schoolvoorbeeld van culturele eenzijdigheid, van een plaats waar alleen zij die een hoge Read more

New WCLAC report - Jerusalem: a City on Edge

Posted on June 22nd, 2015 by gate48
ActiveStills1414947787frlfo.previewIn mid-June Salwa Duaibis and Rawan Zahran from the Palestijnen Women’s Centre for Legal Aid en Counselling (WCLAC) were visiting the Netherlands by the invitation of gate48 and Palestine Link. The purpose of their visit was the presentation of the new WCLAC report “Jerusalem: a City on Edge”. In their visit Duaibis and Zahran shed light on the current challenges facing Palestinian women living in Jerusalem today. They talked about the harsh realities for hundreds of thousands of Palestinian families who face discrimination and humiliation on a daily basis and pointed out how those realities are likely to shape the Read more

Tel Aviv University academics debate BDS for the first time

Posted on June 30th, 2015 by gate48
tauOn June 8th, 2015 Tel Aviv University academics held a first ever discussion on BDS. The following is an address given by Dr. Hilla Dayan at the conference: Dr. Hilla Dayan is a lecturer at Amsterdam University College in the Netherlands, and a co-founder of gate48, platform for critical Israelis in the Netherlands. Her talk was published at Mondoweiss, an independent website devoted to informing readers about developments in Israel/Palestine and related US foreign policy. I would like to thank Irit Naaman and Nissim Mizrahi, head of the sociology and anthropology department. It speaks to the quality of the department under Read more

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