woensdag 18 maart 2015

Henk Hofland en de Massa 25

Ik kom nogmaals terug op Henk Hoflands bewering in De Groene Amsterdammer dat 'de vriendschap tussen Amerika en Israel te hecht [is],' voor de 'Amerikanen' om 'Netanyahu' te beschuldigen van 'inmenging' in de politiek van Washington. De macht van de zionistische lobby in Washington is evenwel geenszins gebaseerd op belangeloze 'vriendschap,' maar  op de angst van Congresleden dat kritiek op de zogeheten 'Joodse staat' hun herverkiezing onmogelijk zal maken, omdat de pro-Israel lobby dan de verkiezingscampagne van de  tegenkandidaat zal financieren. Het meest in het oog lopende voorbeeld hiervan was de Amerikaanse senator William Fulbright. De joods-Amerikaanse criticus van Israelische staat, Alfred M. Lilienthal, schreef over hem:
The one senator who, over many years, consistently refused to bow to Zionist pressures and who defied the Israeli lobby was Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman J. William Fulbright. He incurred Zionist wrath when he stated on ‘Face the Nation’ in 1973 that: ‘The Israelis control the policy of the Congress and the Senate ... Somewhere around 80% of the Senate of the U.S. is completely in support of Israel-of anything Israel wants...’

Jews in Arkansas blasted the Senator: Fulbright's rival in the May 1974 Democratic primary, Governor Dale Bumpers boasted:

'I could have bought central Arkansas with the offers of money from the Jewish community... The offer of assistance came from people in New York and California who had raised a lot of money in the Jewish community for political purposes.’

To the great satisfaction of the lobby, this flow of money helped defeat Senator Fulbright and return him to private life. But this victory in the long run may turn out to be only a Pyrrhic one for American Jews.

In a memorable speech on the floor of the Senate, Mr Fulbright had placed ‘the whipsawing of foreign policy by certain minority groups to the detriment of the national interest’ in its broader, historical perspective:

‘Mr. President, this nation has welcomed millions of immigrants from abroad. In the 19th century we were called the melting pot, and we were proud of that description. It meant that there came to this land people of diverse creeds, colors and races. These immigrants became good Americans, and their ethnic or religious origins were of secondary importance. But in recent years we have seen the rise of organizations dedicated apparently, not to America, but to foreign states and groups. The conduct of foreign policy for America has been seriously compromised in this development. We can survive this development, Mr. President, only if our political institutions — and the Senate in particular — retain their objectivity and their independence so that they can serve all Americans.’

But as long as legislative staff members kept their Jewishness uppermost in mind, vital objectivity could never be accomplished.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, likewise, has done its share in ‘converting’ congressmen at critical moments. Opposition to sending the deadly C-3 concussion bombs to the Zionist state immediately brought overt suggestions from the ADL that opponents were secretly anti-Semitic. ‘That's the perversive force they strike at in the hearts of members up here,’ one Capitol Hill aide was quoted as saying. ‘If you're in opposition to anything Israel wants, you get a big white paintbrush that says you're anti-Semitic.’

Een recenter voorbeeld van de intimidatie-tactiek van de zionistische lobby was 'The Attack on Cynthia McKinney.' De kritische Angelsaksische journalist, wijlen Alexander Cockburn, schreef dienaangaande:

One less radical black voice in Congress. One less champion of labor. One less brave soul unafraid to jump the traces of political orthodoxy. Cynthia McKinney, five-term US rep from Georgia’s Fourth District, was beaten in Tuesday’s Democratic primary by Denise Majette, also black, a former judge, put in with the help of lots of money from American Jewish groups and by a hefty Republican cross-over in Georgia’s open primary.

Don’t you think that if Arab-American groups or African-American groups targeted an incumbent white liberal, maybe Jewish, congressperson, and shipped in money by the truckload to oust the incumbent, the rafters would shake with bellows of outrage.

Yet when a torrent of money from out of state American Jewish organizations smashed Earl Hilliard, first elected black congressperson in Alabama since Reconstruction, you could have heard a mouse cough. Hilliard had made the fatal error of calling for some measure of even-handedness in the Middle East. So he was targeted by AIPAC and the others. Down he went, defeated in the Democratic primary by Artur Davis, a black lawyer who obediently sang for his supper of the topic of Israel.

Then it was McKinney’s turn. A terrific liberal black congresswoman. Like Hilliard she wasn’t cowed by the Israel right-or-wrong lobby and called for real debate on the Middle East. And she called for a real examination of the lead-up to 9/11. So the sky fell in on her. Torrents of American Jewish money showered her opponent, a black woman judge called Majette. Buckets of sewage were poured over McKinney’s head in the Washington Post and the Atlanta Constitution.

Ook het voormalige Republikeinse Congreslid Paul Findley beschrijft in zijn boek They Dare To Speak Out. People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby (1985) 

the attempts of AIPAC to influence curricula of university Middle East departments and to undermine the careers of teachers and professors who seem too sympathetic to Arab and Islamic States. He shows how leading Jewish spokespeople such as Nahum Goldman, I.F. Stone, Philip Klutznick and others are shunned and criticized for questioning some of Israel's policies. He describes the pressure that AIPAC brings to bear on public officials, journalists, newspapers and even book publishers to soft pedal criticism of Israel and her policies.  

In het nawoord stelt Findley het volgende:

Driven by deep-rooted fears, activists for Israel create fear in others. In conducting interviews for this book, time and again I found professors, politicians, business leaders and others anxious lest their identity as a source of information become known. One said: 'If my name gets into this, my career will be ended.' When a university administrator supplied me a document issued by the American Jewish Committee, he warned, 'You must never tell anyone — not anyone — where you goth this.' Others said, 'I applaud what you are doing and would like to help, but I am afraid.' A Texas professor, after suggesting a source of information in Arizona, pleaded, 'Please forget you made this call.' A businessman said: 'I am taking a big chance in telling you this. I hope I can trust you to keep this confidential.' A scholar who supplied details of his own encounters with lobby pressure, called in anguish, 'I can't let you publish that information after all. I fear for my very life.'m A well-known retired diplomat, now providing consulting service part-time in Washington, encouraged me to write this book, but withdrew his offer to write a public endorsement when he learned this would upset his major client. 'I 'm embarrassed to admit it,' he said ruefully, 'because my decision is an example of the intimidation which is the central theme of your book.'

I was struck by the fact that many of the people who dare to speak out have personal income that is not jeopardized by their forthrightness. Most academicians who speak out are protected in their careers by tenure. So, too, J. William Fulbright, Adlai E. Stevenson III, George W. Ball, Dean Francis B. Sayre, Philip M. Klutznick, Rabbi Elmer Berger, Alfred M. Lilienthal, Jr., speak from a base of financial security.

Public awareness of this critical erosion of free speech ids especially important at this time when the Middle East looms as a possible arena of superpower confrontation. Today, more than ever before, the American people — Jews and non-Jews alike — must examine the lobby's methods openly, hold it acceptable for its actions and insist on the right of all to be heard,

aldus Paul Findley, 22 jaar lang vooraanstaand lid van het Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden, en in die hoedanigheid 'senior member of the House Middle East Committee.' Zijn kritiek op Israel resulteerde in de beschuldiging van AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) dat hij als 'a dangerous enemy of Israel' moest worden gezien. Over de macht van de fanatieke en zelfs criminele zionistische lobby verklaarde hij:

In seeking gains for Israel, they rigorously stifled dissent and intimidated the entire Congress. They still do. They defeat legislators who criticize Israel. Senators Adlai Stevenson III and Charles H. Percy, and Representatives Pete McCloskeyCynthia McKinneyEarl F. Hilliard, and myself were defeated at the polls by candidates heavily financed by pro-Israel forces. McKinney alone was able to regain her seat in Congress.

Twee jaar later verloor het zwarte Congreslid Cynthia McKinney door de interventie van de Israel-lobby alsnog haar zetel. In de eerste druk van zijn boek, dat in 1985 verscheen, wees Findley erop dat:

In the months ahead life-and-death decisions must be made concerning the role of the United States in the Arab-Israeli dispute, and these should emerge from an atmosphere of civility in which arguments are heard and judged on their merits, without labeling or emotionalism. The dispute is a ticking bomb that grows staidly more dangerous. Renewed fighting in the Middle East carry the risks of increasing U.S. military involvement, as well as escalating political and economic costs. 

De geschiedenis heeft Findley gelijk gegeven, in 2015, dertig jaar na dato beseft iedere serieuze waarnemer dat uitgaande van de totale chaos in de regio de Amerikaanse Midden-Oosten politiek volstrekt failliet moet worden beschouwd, en dat de VS intussen druk doende is de strijd te verplaatsen naar de 'Pacific Rim' van Oost-Azië, waar China een nieuwe wereldmacht is geworden waardoor de hegemonie van Washington en Wall Street ernstig wordt bedreigd. Tegen 2020 zal daarom 60 procent van de Amerikaanse oorlogsvloot in Zuid-Oost Azië zijn gestationeerd, terwijl eerder al in Noord-Australië een grote Amerikaanse militaire basis volledig operationeel moet zijn. Duidelijk is nu al dat de de elite in de VS haar alleenheerschappij alleen met geweld zal proberen te handhaven, aangezien het bankroete imperium niet langer meer in staat is de hegemonie op andere manieren veilig te stellen. Dit blijkt ondermeer uit een artikel op de voorpagina van de International New York Times van woensdag 18 maart 2015, waarin, onder de kop 'Europeans defy U.S. to join China's new bank. Step fortifies global shift as Beijing sets up a fund to rival American power,' de volgende feiten worden gepresenteerd:

Tilting toward China in a blow to Washington's domination of international financial institutions, Europe's biggest countries have declared their desire to become founding members of a new Chinese-led Asian investment bank that the United States views as a rival to existing lenders set up at the height of American power following World War II. 

The announcement on Tuesday by Germany, France and Italy that they would follow Britain in breaking ranks with Washington and join the Chinese-led venture delivered a stinging rebuff to Washington from some of its closest allies. 

It also gave a boost to bold efforts by XI Jinping, China's president and Communist Party chief, to reshape the global balance of power and the institutions that underpin it. 

China has worked steadily for years to break what it regards as an unfair grip by the United States on global political and financial institutions and to set up rival structures more responsive to Chinese demands for a voice in in international affairs commensurate with its status as the world's second-biggest economy. 

'China is shaping an alternative universe and getting America's European allies to support it,' Theresa Fallon, a China expert at the European Institute for Asian Studies, a Brussels research group, said. 'They are entering the big league now and think that with lending comes power.'

De opmerking van mevrouw Fallon is geen persoonlijke opvatting, maar een keihard feit, zoals iedereen die wel eens van een bank heeft geleend uit ervaring weet. De VS is met een schuld van meer dan 18 biljoen (een miljoen keer een miljoen) dollar de staat met de grootste nationale schuld ter wereld. Ongeveer 47 procent daarvan is in handen van buitenlandse schuldeisers, 'the largest of which were the People's Republic of China and Japan at about $1.3 trillion and $1.2 trillion respectively.' Probleem voor de Amerikaanse elite is dat de permanente oorlogsvoering alleen gefinancierd kan worden door gigantische leningen, en die zullen almaar moeilijker verkregen kunnen worden. Nu de grote Europese landen, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië, Italië hebben besloten 'founding members' te worden van 'a new Chinese-led Asian investment bank' zullen ze niet langer meer ontelbare miljarden in het Amerikaanse militair-industrieel complex kunnen investeren. Deze ingrijpende omwenteling heeft verregaande consequenties voor de wereld en de VS. Immers, zonder geld geen oorlog; iemand moet deze geldverspilling financieren. En aangezien de Chinese machthebbers hebben laten weten Rusland te steunen in zijn conflict met het Westen over Oekraïne, zal het besluit van de Europese grootmachten tevens gevolgen hebben voor de Europese politiek ten aanzien van 'Poetin,' én ten aanzien van bijvoorbeeld Iran, dat met Moscow en Beijing in feite 'a new geostrategic axis' heeft gevormd, zoals commentatoren de onderlinge samenwerking noemen. Men dient daarbij het volgende te weten: 

China, which has one of the world's fastest growing economies and which has designs on becoming an economic superpower, is today the world's second largest consumer of oil. Nearly 60 percent of its oil is imported from the Middle East. Iran, which possesses about 10 percent of the world's proven petroleum reserves, replaced Saudi Arabia as the leading supplier of oil to China in May 2009. Indeed, since reaching an agreement in October 2004, Beijing and Tehran have penned energy deals that purportedly are worth more than US $120 billion.

Het is ondenkbaar dat wanneer de Europese elite financieel gelieerd is aan een door China geleide Aziatische investeringsbank, zij vervolgens in NAVO-verband China militair zal bedreigen, laat staan onder aanvoering van de failliete VS zal laten aanvallen. De bekende internationale investeerder Simon Black omschreef op vrijdag 13 maart 2015 de voortzettende 'De-dollarization' van de wereldeconomie als volgt: 

Et tu, Britain? United Kingdom to join China in the anti-dollar alliance
Late yesterday, the government of the United Kingdom announced that they would be applying to join the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank… as a founding member.

This is huge.

Right now, the United States dominates the global financial system.

But after years of endless wars, spying, debt, money printing, bailouts, and insane regulations, the rest of the world has had enough. And they’re looking for an alternative.

China is coming up with an answer.

The soon-to-be-live Chinese International Payment System (CIPS) will provide a way for banks to transfer funds to one another without having to use the US banking system… or the US dollar.

China is also the ringleader behind both the BRICS development bank (called the New Development Bank, or NDB) as well as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

Both of these are multilateral development banks that aim to end the dominance of the western-controlled World Bank and IMF.

NDB includes all the BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

Founding members of the AIIB include China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, etc. They’re typically all rapidly growing and/or resource-rich developing nations.

New Zealand was the first western nation to join AIIB back in October. And yesterday afternoon, Britain announced its intention to become the second.
(Of course in the UK’s eyes they’re the first since New Zealand still belongs to the Queen!)

This is a massive, embarrassing blow to the United States, and to the future of the US dollar.

It’s pretty obvious when you look at the dozens of signatories to the NDB and AIIB charter documents: the rest of the world is sick and tired of the United States dominating the global financial system.

And by putting these new development banks and alternative payment systems together, they’re actually doing something about it.

Even America’s own allies have supported this anti-dollar movement.

Last summer the French Finance Minister explained to reporters how completely unnecessary it was for a European aircraft manufacturer to sell jets to European airlines in US dollars (instead of euros).

He also slammed the US government for arrogantly fining French bank BNP a whopping $9 billion for doing business with countries that the US doesn’t like.

(Side note: one of the ‘evil’ countries BNP did business with was Cuba, and they were heavily punished for this, even though BNP broke no law in France. But now all of a sudden the US and Cuba are buddy-buddy again. Is BNP going to get a refund?)

His conclusion? It’s time for a ‘rebalancing’ of the global financial system away from the US dollar. Other political allies of the United States have echoed similar sentiment.

But now we can see words are turning into action.

Britain might be too polite to tell the US straight up — 'Look, you have $18.1 trillion in official debt, you have $42 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and you’re kind of a dick. I’m dumping you.'

So instead they’re going with the 'it’s not you, it’s me' approach.

But to anyone paying attention, it’s pretty obvious where this trend is going.
It won’t be long before other western nations jump on the anti-dollar bandwagon with action and not just words.

Bottom line: this isn’t theory or conjecture anymore. Every shred of objective evidence suggests that the dollar’s dominance is coming to an end.

Op zijn beurt benadrukte op dinsdag 17 maart 2015 de International New York Times dat:

The announcement on Tuesday by Germany, France and Italy that they would follow Britain and join the Chinese-led venture delivered a stinging rebuke to Washington from some of its closest allies. It also called into question whether the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which grew out of a multination conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944 and established an economic pecking order that lasted 70 years, will find their influence diminished.

The announcement by Germany, Europe’s largest economy, came only six days after Secretary of State John Kerry asked his German counterpart, Frank Walter-Steinmeier, to resist the Chinese overtures until the Chinese agreed to a number of conditions about transparency and governing of the new entity. But Germany came to the same conclusion that Britain did: China is such a large export and investment market for it that it cannot afford to stay on the sidelines…

'This has been a power struggle,' one senior European official said. 'And we have moved from the world of 1945.'

De historische omwenteling, die sinds 2001 almaar sneller verloopt, is evenwel volledig aan Henk Hofland als opiniemaker van De Groene Amsterdammer ontgaan, gezien het feit dat hij zijn potsierlijke Koude Oorlogsretoriek blijft herhalen, overigens zonder enig weerwoord te krijgen van de 'politiek-literaire elite' in de polder. Na eerst de zionistische intimidatie en chantage van Amerikaanse volksvertegenwoordigers te hebben verkocht als 'vriendschap,' beweert Hofland in De Groene voorts dat 'Sinds jaren Iran aan zijn eigen kernwapen [werkt]' en dat 

Zoals de zaken er nu voorstaan we (alweer 'we.' svh) er rekening mee [moeten] blijven houden dat Iran misschien binnen een paar jaar een proefexplosie laat zien.  

De hoogbejaarde charlatan pretendeert meer te weten dan alle 16 Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten bijeen, aangezien het volgende bekend is: 

For more than a decade, Iran has been doggedly accused without evidence of developing nuclear weapons. The Islamic Republic is relentlessly portrayed by Western media as a threat to the security of Israel and of the Western World.

In a bitter irony, the assessment of America's Intelligence Community concerning Iran's alleged nuclear weapons capabilities refutes the barrage of media disinformation as well as the bellicose statements emanating from the White House. The 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE): 'judges with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program.' (2007 National Intelligence Estimate Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities; November 2007. See also Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI))…

In February 2011, The Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper - while presenting the 2011 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence - intimated - with some hesitation - that the Islamic Republic was not seeking to develop nuclear weapons capabilities:

'we do not know if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons.' 

The 2011 NIE largely confirms the findings undertaken by the US intelligence community in the 2007 NIE, which remains, according to The New York Times, 'the consensus view of America's 16 intelligence agencies.'

Kortom, we (!) moeten er vanuit gaan dat Hofland opnieuw onwaarheden verspreidt, in een poging mogelijk nieuwe zionistische terreur tegen Iran alvast te rechtvaardigen. Op die manier steunt ook hij de propaganda van de zionistische lobby. Al op 16 september 2012 berichtte de Israelische kwaliteitskrant Haaretz dat

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran would be on the brink of nuclear weapons capability in six to seven months, adding new urgency to his demand that President Barack Obama set a clear 'red line' for Tehran in what could deepen the worst U.S.-Israeli rift in decades.

Inmiddels, tweeënhalf jaar later, heeft Iran evenwel nog steeds geen atoombom, hoe naarstig Hofland ook de horizon afspeurt op zoek naar de atoomwolk van de 'proefexplosie.' Meer over het 87-jarige fossiel uit de Koude Oorlog de volgende keer. 

Henk Hofland, relikwie van de 'politiek-literaire elite' in de polder schreef in De Groene Amsterdammer onweersproken, zonder enig bewijs: 'Sinds jaren werkt Iran aan zijn eigen kernwapen.' 

Apartheid Forever: Israel’s Netanyahu Rules Out Palestinian Citizenship Rights

In-depth Report: 
  19  4 


Mideast Israel Palestinians
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, under extreme pressure over the real possibility that he will lose the March 17 elections, has made a powerful appeal to his far right wing constituency by openly admitting that he will never allow a Palestinian state and that he intends to flood Israeli squatters into East Jerusalem and its environs to make sure this Occupied territory never returns to the Palestinians.
Millions of Palestinians whose families were violently expelled from their homes by Jewish settlers in Mandate Palestine in 1947-48 remain stateless. These include the people of Gaza, the West Bank (four million) and a million or more in diasporas in Lebanon, Syria, and other countries. A million Palestinians are now citizens in Israel, and others have rights of citizenship in far-flung places like Chile and Honduras, as well as the United States. But I figure five million at least remain stateless.
Statelessness is rare in today’s world, a result of reforms initiated by the international community after the horrors of World War II and its preceding decades. Franco rendered many on the Spanish Left stateless after his victory in the Civil War in 1939 (not to mention massacring tens of thousands of them). The White Russians lost citizenship after their revolt against the Communists failed. The Nazis took citizenship rights away from Jews, Gypsies and others in Europe. In fact, the Holocaust was made practically possible in part by the denial of citizenship to Jews, which left them with no access to courts or other levers of social power that might have combated the monstrous Nazi plans for genocide.
Millions were stateless in the 1930s and 1940s, and their lack of citizenship rights often exposed them to ethnic cleansing or loss of property and displacement.
The Palestinians are the last major stateless population. Stateless people do not have rights as most people understand the term. Their situation in some ways resembles slavery, since slaves also were denied the rights of citizenship. Stateless people’s property is insecure, since people with citizenship rights have better access to courts and to ruling authorities. Palestinians never really know what they own, and Israeli squatters routinely steal their property with impunity. Squatters dig tube wells deeper than those of the Palestinian villagers, lowering aquifers and causing Palestinian wells to dry up. Squatters go on wilding attacks, chopping down entire olive orchards (a prime source of Palestinian income) or beating up Palestinians. If Palestinians assemble peacefully to protest the loss of their farms to ever-expanding squatter settlements, the Israel army arrests them, including, often, children, who are taken away from their families and put in jail. Palestinians can be held for long periods without being charged. The prisoners are sometimes tortured.
Netanyahu and the Israeli right-of-center say they want to keep Palestinians homeless and without citizenship rights in a state because they fear a Palestinian state will make claims on Israel and present a security challenge. Netanyahu said Sunday that if Israel relinquished the West Bank it would become a bastion of Muslim radicalism (but West Bankers are substantially more secular than the Jewish population of West Jerusalem).
But in fact, Netanyahu and the right are dedicated to Greater Israel, to annexing the West Bank territory and finding a way to expel the Palestinians from it. The Palestinians are not a security challenge– they are like the guard at a bank getting in the way of bank robbers. The bank robbers feel a need to knock him out or kill him, remove him from the scene.
But it is shameful to have Israel preside over 4 million stateless people forever. This is Apartheid. And Netanyahu has just made Apartheid the official policy of Israel, just as South African leader P.W. Botha dedicated himself to making black South Africans stateless and without the rights of citizenship. The only fig leaf Israel had for its Apartheid was the farce of the “peace process” and a pro forma ritual invocation of a “future Palestinian state.” Now Netanyahu has ripped off the fig leaf and stands naked before the world. Botha was called by his victims the “Great Crocodile.” It would be better epithet for Netanyahu than “Bibi.”

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

De Balkenende norm als eerste trap in de loopbaan ontwikkeling. Alweer een 'scoop' vd Telegraaf:
VVD'er Neelie Kroes gaat naar Bank of America Merrill Lynch. How extraordinary! Hoezo schaduwelite, uche, uche uche...

Jij was er allang klaar mee natuurlijk Stan, en toch de verkiezingsuitslagen die door onze opiniemakers en hun propaganda...
Hoe zou het toch komen dat zoveel mensen zo slecht geïnformeerd zijn en dat VVD'ers altíjd maar dan ook altijd stemmen...
En Samson van de 'participatie partij' na de nederlaag: "Ondanks dat de economie en de woningmarkt weer aantrekt, vasthouden"
Ondanks lage energieprijzen, lage euro, verzieken woningmarkt, huisartsen op stang jagen, vermarkten en noem maar op, blijven volhouden, hoezo hardleers? Elk jaar hoppa 12 mljrd subsidie naar de banken via HRA en via huurverhogingen gewoon weer meer aan huursubsidie kwijt. Muhahaha!
Tel uit je winst.

Sorry Stan, voor 't spammen. Het grote verhaal is veel belangrijker, het heeft allemaal niets te maken met wat de burger via de traditionele media voorgeschoteld krijgt, misleid wordt en de ergernis. D'66 de grote winnaar, en daarnaast de grootste pleitbezorger van TTIP, belooft ook al veel goeds. NOT!

Vroeger zat er nog wel eens een slak in de sla... En nu? Kip, Kalkoen, Zalm, Tonijn, Geit, Varken en Koe. Zelf koken is teveel gedoe dus vliegen die 'salade's' de deur uit bij de AH. Te druk met overleven gewoon...

NRC. Goedemorgen en Welterusten

  Goe Vandaag 16 APRIL 2024 Goedemorgen, Oekraïne slaakt een noodkreet: door het tekort aan munitie dreigt Rusland op alle fronten terrein t...