zondag 10 januari 2010

Yochanan Visser als Crimineel 36

Deze los van elkaar liggende enclaves omringd door zwaar bewapende Israelische militairen en Joodse kolonisten is alles dat is overgebleven voor de Palestijnen op de Westbank.

Yochanan Visser met petje van het Joods Nationaal Fonds, een organisatie die betrokken was en is bij de diefstal van Palestijns land.

Yochanan Visser,

Bekijkt u deze documentaire en stel uzelf de volgende vragen: waarom meen ik, Yochanan Visser, dat ik het internationaal recht mag schenden en anderen niet? Waarom meen ik dat ik de Palestijnse bevolking mag terroriseren, mag stelen en onderdrukken?

Occupation 101

Award-winning documentary film on the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unlike any other film ever produced on the conflict -- 'Occupation 101' presents a comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the never ending controversy and dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions.

The film also details life under Israeli military rule, the role of the United States in the conflict, and the major obstacles that stand in the way of a lasting and viable peace. The roots of the conflict are explained through first-hand on-the-ground experiences from leading Middle East scholars, peace activists, journalists, religious leaders and humanitarian workers whose voices have too often been suppressed in American media outlets.

The film covers a wide range of topics -- which include -- the first wave of Jewish immigration from Europe in the 1880's, the 1920 tensions, the 1948 war, the 1967 war, the first Intifada of 1987, the Oslo Peace Process, Settlement expansion, the role of the United States Government, the second Intifada of 2000, the separation barrier and the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, as well as many heart wrenching testimonials from victims of this tragedy.

Featured Interviews

Occupation 101 features a leading list of some of the most credible Middle East scholars, historians, peace activists, journalists, and humanitarian workers. For a complete listing, please click here.

Posted January 05, 2009

Zie: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article24327.htm

In afwachting van uw antwoord,

Stan van Houcke



PS: Yochanan Visser is a Dutch-language analyst for the Israel Facts Group (www.israelfacts.eu), a European media watchdog organization, as well as manager of Israel Facts Monitorgroup and www. israelfacts. eu. He lives in Efrat, Israel.

8 opmerkingen:

Lucas zei

(Novum/AP) - De Franse extreem-rechtse politicus Jean-Marie Le Pen is vrijdag door een rechtbank in Parijs tot een voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf van drie maanden en een geldboete van 10.000 euro veroordeeld wegens het ontkennen van de wreedheid van de bezetting van Frankrijk door de nazi's.

De rechtbank veroordeelde Le Pen voor zijn in 2005 in het rechtse weekblad Rivarol gedane uitlatingen wegens 'medeplichtigheid aan het vergoelijken van oorlogsmisdaden' en 'medeplichtigheid aan het betwisten van een misdaad tegen de menselijkheid'. Le Pen had gezegd dat dat de Duitse bezetting van Frankrijk 'niet bijzonder onmenselijk' was. De 'paar blunders' die de nazi's begingen waren volgens Le Pen 'onvermijdelijk in een land van 55.000 vierkante kilometer'.

De directeur en een journalist van Rivarol kregen eveneens geldstraffen opgelegd, van respectievelijk 5.000 en 2.000 euro.

Le Pen is minstens zes keer wegens het doen van racistische of antisemitische uitlatingen veroordeeld. In een geval deed hij de gaskamers in de vernietigingskampen af als 'een detail' in de geschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
Uitgegeven op Vrijdag 08 februari 2008 om 18:57:39

Lucas zei

Lieberman’s partij Israel Beitenoe zou regelmatig bepleiten om 'de hele Arabische bevolking te verjagen'.

Het was klaarblijkelijk teveel gevraagd om een simpele blik te werpen op de Engelstalige website van Israel Beitenoe Daar legt men uit dat men vindt dat de politiek 'land voor vrede' vervangen moet worden door: 'land voor land en vrede voor vrede'.

In late May 2004, Lieberman proposed a plan in which the populations and territories of Israeli Jews and Arabs, including some Israeli Arabs, would be "separated." According to the plan, also known as the "Populated-Area Exchange Plan," Israeli Arab towns adjacent to Palestinian Authority areas would be transferred to Palestinian Authority, and only those Arab Israelis who migrated from the area to within Israel's new borders and pledged loyalty to Israel would be allowed to remain Israeli citizens. On May 30, 2004, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon condemned Lieberman's statements, stating "We regard Israeli Arabs as part of the State of Israel."[30] On 4 June 2004, as the disputes over the up-coming disengagement plan grew more intense, Sharon dismissed Lieberman from the cabinet.
After the 2009 Israeli elections, Lieberman said he changed his mind in recent years and decided to support the creation of a Palestinian state. He

In 4 May 2009, in a press conference in Italy, Avigdor Lieberman skirted around the issue of a Palestinian state, stating that "This government's goal is not produce slogans or make pompous declarations, but to reach concrete results," adding that the government was still in the process of formulating its foreign policy. On another occasion in his trip, he stated that "Nothing is going to come out of this 'Peace Industry' except for conferences in five star Hotels and a waste of money". Generally speaking, the diplomatic mission was private and subject to restricted news coverage.
On 7 May, Yediot Ahronot stated that Lieberman would appointed the minister in charge of strategic dialogue with the U.S. On June 17, he appeared in a joint press conference with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in his first official visit to the U.S. Lieberman clashed with Clinton over the issue of Israeli settlements, with Lieberman dismissing her call to end settlement expansion. Financial Times described the meeting as "one of the most tense encounters between the sides for several years". Clinton also rejected Lieberman's assertion that the Bush administration had agreed to further building in the West Bank. Israel National News stated afterward that Lieberman and Prime Minister Netanyahu both have the same position of settlement expansion and for retaining Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel.

Anoniem zei

Half Israel bestaat uit Liebermannen/vrouwen

Lieberman is een beetje dom. Hij is duidelijk waar anderen onduidelijk blijven, dit om tactische redenen. Het eindresultaat blijft hetzelfde, Visser weet er alles van.


Anoniem zei

Stan, we zitten op 36, het zou zonde zijn als Visser en aanverwanten de vorige, dus 35, niet zouden lezen.


Anoniem zei

Natuurlijk blijft er weinig over voor de Palestijnen. Al die politieke poppenkast, die schijnbewegingen, zijn al door zoveel mensen doorzien. Liever meer land en meer haat.


Anoniem zei

Of Yochanan Visser 3 pagina's wil lezen over de slavenarbeid van zijn Palestijnse vrienden

Let wel, Visser, in de Jeruzalem Post

Jan 7, 2010 13:50 | Updated Jan 7, 2010 14:49
Kijk, zo doen we dat. We ontnemen de Palestijnen hun inkomstenbronnen en krijgen er goedkope arbeidsslaven ervoor terug. Arbeidsvoorwaarden: Niet jong en je bek houden, dan mag jij onze huizen bouwen op jouw grond. Liever hadden we joden gehad, maar ja, die liggen niet voor het oprapen en hebben andere inkomsten.

Over de Palestijnse slaven die wel bij dit tuig moeten werken, willen ze te eten hebben.

Ripples in cement

At a muddy construction site on the edge of the haredi settlement of Modi'in Illit, Taher, a Palestinian subcontractor from the Hebron area, is asked what he thinks of the settlement freeze.

A Palestinian worker at a construction site in Ma'aleh Adumim.
Photo: Ariel Jerozolimksi
"I'm against it. It's bad for me. I need 50 workers for this job, but because the freeze is supposedly going to shut down so much construction, they didn't get work permits," he says.

About 40 years old, wearing a hard hat, he goes on: "If I thought the land [on which the settlements were built] was going to be given back to the Palestinians, I'd be in favor of the freeze. But if anything, the [security] fence is going to be moved forward, not backward."

Article: Ripples in cement

Post comment

7. How come Palestinians are cheaper?
Because Israeli occupation systematically and deliberately prevents Palestinian economic development through mobility, import, export and construction restrictions, forcing Palestinians to work for scrap in Israel. And because the labor rights of Palestinians are never enforced, and employers are allowed to cheat them out of their minimum legal wage.
K. Wye - (01/10/2010 21:13)
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Anoniem zei

Lees bovenstaande verder in de Jeruzalem Post. Wel een heel andere kijk dan de zaak in bouwmaterialen van de "vrienden" van Yochanan Visser.
Dit klopt niet Visser, wie moet er een clockwork orange behandeling krijgen?


Lucas zei

So much for the claim of South Africa to be granting self-determination. What then of the claim of the bantustan governments to be establishing themselves as independent States under this principle? This question does not, as is usual in such cases, depend on whether or not the population concerned has been denied equal rights or has been discriminated against. Rather, the issues are whether the populations concerned constitute “people” within the meaning of this principle, and if so, whether they have determined their political status and done so freely, and whether they are free to pursue their economic, social and cultural development. A very heavy burden lies on those seeking to assert this right, bearing in mind that there is no government in existence which represents the whole people of the territory from which they are seeking to secede, and that there is no way in which this whole people can make known their views on the subject.

The circumstances of the creation and development of the bantustans must now be examined in order to see whether the conditions are fulfilled for a legitimate exercise of the right of self-determination.

The history of the creation of the bantustans, later called “homelands,” which are now claiming independence, has been carefully traced in several studies. I may refer, for example, to the paper entitled “The South African bantustan programme: its domestic and international implications,” published by the Unit on Apartheid (now Centre against Apartheid) in 1975, and in particular to Divide and Rule: South Africa’s Bantustans.

Such studies show how the bantustans are but the latest stage in the application of a consistent racial policy by the white settlers towards the African, Asian and Coloured peoples. They find their origin in the slave labour in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and in the seizure by the settlers of the best agricultural lands and the driving out of the Africans from these lands and from their pastures. When slavery was abolished at the beginning of the nineteenth century, “native reserves” were established in which the Africans were confined, and which they could leave only in order to serve the whites.

As mining and other industries were developed, the demand for cheap labour was satisfied by drawing on the labour force in the reserves, assisted by methods such as the notorious “hut tax,” forcing the Africans to seek work in the mines and industry in order to pay the tax. In time, with the increasing congestion and poverty in the reserves, more than half of the African working population was driven to seek employment in the urban areas or on white farms, where they lived in humiliating subjection in the townships or locations allotted to them.

The network of “native reserves” thus had an essential economic function to provide a plentiful supply of cheap labour for the white minority. The pattern was established of denying political and social rights to all but the whites and of maintaining in subjection a black labour force in the white areas, who were, or were regarded as, migratory citizens from the reserves, in which all other blacks were forced to live.